

  • Hey :D I recently started using MFP, again, as the first time was unsuccessful. But with the aid of supportive friends and family members it has been easier this time around. I'm no expert when it comes to losing weight but what I've been doing has been working for me. I believe that something as simple as eating the right…
  • I deff will as we can all use motivational friends :D
  • Heyyy =] I, too, am looking for motivational friends on here! Feel free to add me and I will do the same. The more we work together the stronger our motivation will be for ourselves. =]
  • Count me in! I am surrounded by a bunch of fit girls my age group and it can get very discouraging. I'm trying to lose a solid 30lbs by then. I've gained 50 within a year and a half due to my depression and I am done letting it control me. I would love nothing more than support from people that are in my position. I want…