knowitall3321 Member


  • I did it for an hour and thirty (ten miler, 10 minute pace). I wont lie, it was really boring (I wasn't trying to push my breathing or speed, just build the endurance) but as long as you have music or something to watch or even someone to talk to you can do it. 13 miles is quite the span, and I wish you luck and happy…
  • 35 minute run, followed by P90x Chest and Back and finished up with Ab Ripper X Over all, about 90 minutes in the gym ^-^ That was yesterday though, I'm planning on doing 45 minutes on the elliptical today to help stretch out my body.
  • I had the same thing happen to me almost. I started running and dropped two cup sizes, but as I continued to run I think my body just kind of got used to it. They went back to being a normal size for my body, and I think they might for you too. and I saw that someone else said strength training helps, so maybe try that?
  • I want to be fitter so I can run faster, and farther. I want to be able to stand in a bikini next to all the tiny 5 foot 3 girls and feel confident with my 5 foot 7 frame. I want to be able to look in my closet and choose the really cute, girlie outfits instead of the baggy hoodies I hide in. I want to be confident!