

  • Wooohooo! finally lost some poundage! I am down 2lbs for a weigh in of 207. Only one article of clothing seems too bra. Guess thats where you lose first though, LOL!
  • I'm really late posting. I weighed and took measurements on Sunday, but i haven't had much computer time since then and honestly I was a bit embarrassed that I have weighed in at the same 209 for the last 3 weeks. Today I finally compared my measurements to my stats from our first weigh in and I'm totally shocked. Here's…
  • If it's not raining, i'm going to work HARD in the gardens and yard. If it rains, I will find a suitable workout on comcast and work my little heart out (still sore from Mondays workout!). I'm also going to make sure i get enough water in and cut back on the large glasses of milk i so enjoy!
  • TGIF!!!!! Tonight it is my intention to get a fabulous workout while having a blast. It all depends on when i can leave work. If it's early, I'm thinking kids and dogs at the park, i will even take the big stubborn one so i get double the work out. Maybe I can squeeze in a paddle boat ride. If it's a late work night, I'll…
  • No loss this week. weight still at 209.
  • Last week was a little stressful. Life happens and i feel like i'm running around crazy with not enough time for anything. I've done too good on watching my calorie content. Rather than eating something terrible i decide i don't have the time or the calories to spare and skip it altogether, only to find that my calorie…
  • Today I have a regular yoga class, but before that I'm going to challenge myself to play hackey sack with the kids for at least a half hour.
  • weight 209 bust 45 chest 43 waist 44 hips 48 thighs 28 calves 17.5 upper arm 15.5 forearm 12 neck 15 You have 34.5% body fat.
  • my goal for the day is make sure i eat enough. I think i'm dropping into starvaton mode.
  • Weigh in is at 209. I'll add my measurement later tonight!
  • I agree on the Saturday cheat day. I have way more opportunities to cheat on Saturday than Sunday!
  • I'm in Salt Lake. I've lived here forever. We have a 2 year plan to move somewhere tropical. I'm allergic to the cold weather. LOL
  • 1. How are you eating today? - OK- i get so busy and I'm running out of ideas for lunches. I feel like I'm living off of bananas! 2. What is your mood today? - Great! I'm excited to commit to a goal! 3. What is/was your exercise plan for today? -I'm taking the kiddos to the pool. planning on treading a whole lot of water…
  • Hi everyone, I'm Sabrina. My partner and I have 5 children together (17,17,11,11, and 6). I'm 35 and have slowly packed on 5-10 lbs each year, for 10 FREAKING years. My love of food and fun, along with an ingrained desire to do whatever i want whenever i want, has prevented me from trying let alone committing to any type…