elismom408 Member


  • Wow! You are an inspiration to me, I have 165 to lose total, and I am down 24 lbs. Congratulations!
  • When I let MFP calculate my calorie goal it is 2030, and my BMR is 2087, so 1800 is still under both of those numbers.I figure I will give it a week and see what the results are, if it doesn't work for me I can always go back down to 1400. I wasn't hungry then, and now I feel like I always have to eat. I am not sure what…
  • Ok I have started working out, I am using the wii fit plus. I also upped my calories today to see if that will help. I am going to start eating 1800 calories a day, and not trying to be under every day. For the most part what we eat is not processed foods, I cook most of our meals from scratch, and only eat convenience…
  • Well today was my weigh in, and I am down 1 lb. Not what I was hoping for, but definately better than nothing. I am going to keep my calories the same, but slowly start working out, and hopefully that will make the change I am looking for.
  • Thanks for all the encouragement! Tomorrow is my official weigh in day, so hopefully I will show a loss, but I am still going to keep at it even if I don't. I just did my first workout tonight, it was only 10 minutes, but it is better than nothing. I also opened my food diary to the public.
  • I was wondering if that was part of my problem too. I was thinking of upping my calories to 1600. Also I know that the 1 lb I gained was from my TOM so I am not too worried about that, but I should still be losing I would think.
  • I am planning on starting P90x this week
  • AMAZING!!! You are such an inspiration to me. I have 145 more pounds to lose, and I am having a hard time today, it feels impossible.
  • I'm in! 50 down just 250 more to go!