

  • I collect hobbies. I crochet, sew, sculpting, wood working, working on cars, fishing , hiking, making stepping stones, gardening, cooking for large groups, fish aquariums , and other various crafting. If I were to actually name every hobby of mine then it would be a very long response lol
  • If you want a true and healthy drink to detox your body and make you feel a lot better my drink of choice and the best I've ever had is awesome. I've taken it for a few months now a drink a day. It can help you loose weight if your eating well and doing some form of exercise. I love LOVE LOVE this drink. Go to walmart and…
    in help Comment by coolbonkers April 2013
  • if you just started working out within the last few months your body may be doing what mine did. I was actually loosing fat but gaining muscle. All I was doing was a dance fitness vid and the scale never moved. I didn't realize I was actually loosing that dreaded fat so desperately wanted gone because I was still the same…
  • Fitness pal helped me realize how insanely I was eating. I recommend eating like you normally do for a day or 3 but document everything on this site. from every little snack or nibble to your actual meals. This helped me realize I had to make changes. It also helped give me a little extra motivation for watching what I was…
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