davideickelmann Member


  • It's been said in here already, but no gun that anyone can comfortably carry and run with is going to help you in the event of a bear attack, so get bear spray. It's probably going to be awkward at first, but you're probably just going to have to carry it in your hands like a water bottle/canteen. Alternatively, learn to…
  • Pick a strength rep scheme, since you won't be making size gains on a cut, and focus on big compound movements. You may want to mix in some HIIT sessions in place of the steady state cardio. Good luck
  • Obesity is the physical symptom of the disease of apathy.
  • I won't speak to the quality of their workout programs (I make my own), but their how-to videos and explanations are fantastic: www.weighttraining.com
  • For dumbbell and barbell OHP I bring the DB/Bar down to my chin. The magic point on an OHP is how low can you go before the muscle under tension ceases to be the delts. I use a slightly wider than shoulder width grip, so your experience may vary.
  • Go up in weight when you are no longer failing with your current weight. The goal of weight lifting is to fail, because if you completed your whole set, it wasn't heavy enough. The weights you use themselves are irrelevant, as long as they are challenging for you. Since you're coming down from 360 lbs, you probably have…
  • Who has time to care about what other people LOOK LIKE in the gym? The only time I'm looking at other people is to see if they're doing anything I want to incorporate into my own lifting, to watch an impressive lift, or to tell someone that they're going to break their back deadlifting that way (serious, I end up telling…
  • If you're squatting, and not seeing much difference in your glutes, then you aren't going low enough. The next time you squat, record yourself with your phone and don't come back up until the backs of your thighs above the knee touch the backs of your calves below the knee. Two other possible factors could be that your…
  • They don't have a single 6 or 8 kg dumbbell? I guess no one in there ever started doing lat raises or rear delt flies with proper form, or else your gym is full of giants who bestride the earth with their massive secondary muscles...
  • I've come to the realization that anything eaten at a restaurant (and I use the term loosely) in the US is going to be over 1000 calories, and overloaded with carbs. A Chipotle Burrito with rice/beans/guac/cheese/sourcream/corn salsa has 1200 calories and over 100 carbs for something like 60 gr of protein and 45+ gr of…
  • It seems like you're invested in this gym because of your son. Do you have any reason to interact with this woman? If not, I wouldn't let her idiocy put you off of a great lifting opportunity. My wife would've laughed and said, "good one, now show me the free weight room." If the equipment is adequate, I'd go. I'm sure you…
  • Men store body fat overwhelmingly in the stomach/waist. He lost it from the stomach/waist, because that's where he had it to lose. Women store fat in more places, that's how the "freshman 15" sneaks up on so many girls.
  • My wife had a similar issue. Buy a measuring tape and record your measurements for hips, waist, chest, and thigh every week. You'll stop being upset :-)
  • Carbs trigger an insulin response in the body, which promotes both muscle growth and fat storage. If you eat a lot of carbs throughout the day, you're promoting muscle growth (but not giving a stimulus for it so nothing happens) and fat storage (oh noes!). Try to cut down on your carbs except for immediately following a…
  • Whenever you can consistently get access to a power rack.
  • It was hot, and your caloric deficit must be massive.
  • This is some great advice. Also, when you're in the gym, no one cares how much weight you're using. The only things that cause snickering are poor form and curling in the squat rack. Carry yourself with self confidence, you're doing more than the overwhelming majority of people who aren't in the gym and aren't paying…
  • If you're worried about "wasting" a day, pushing yourself harder on your lifting days might be the way to go. I'd recommend switching to a split, but where you're currently at, you should probably stick to the full body routine.
  • You won't lose weight as long as your muscles continue to grow at the same rate that you're burning fat (since you just started, this will be the case for a while) and are eating maintenance/above. As your muscles start to stall/their growth places an increased demand on your diet, you'll likely start to lose weight as the…
  • Resistance training, whether it's done with bodyweight exercises or weights will make you stronger. As far as light vs heavy weight, the only thing that matters is that it's heavy "for you". My wife squats 135-145 lbs or so for reps, which no one would ever describe as a really heavy weight, but it's right around her body…
  • Most people in our society have atrophied muscles with lots of fat on top. I don't think that's what she was describing.
  • Sounds like a heavyweight powerlifter's body. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-nlhZ0RR4A If you already have lots of muscle mass, you won't get significantly bigger unless you start supplementing testosterone/hgh/insulin and using a bodybuilding routine with a heavy emphasis on time under tension. Crossfit and weight…
  • Do you not have access to free weights?
  • Great suggestion. Here are some additional tips. -Before you talk to a guy (or a girl) lifting free weights, make sure they've finished their set. A lot of folks will do two different exercises back to back, so make sure they're actually stopped and resting before you strike up a conversation. -When you're looking for…
  • Lifting weights forces your body to repair the muscle cells that you damage (assuming you lift heavy, you will damage your cells, this is normal), which is where the "calorie burn" from weights comes in. On top of that, having more muscle causes your body to have higher calorie needs, which, makes it easier to burn fat…
  • Get a trainer/coach to explain the Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Overhead Press, Barbell Row, and either Power Clean or Snatch to you. Do 5 sets of 5 reps with each of these lifts every other day, lifting as much weight as you can with good form (the good form is why the trainer is there). When you can do 5 sets of 5 reps…
  • There isn't one. Also, why are you jealous of athletic girls? Go to a gym, and ask a trainer to coach you on Squats, Deadlifts, barbell rows, bench press, standing overhead press, and either the power clean or the snatch. Do 5 sets of 5 reps with each of those lifts using the maximum weight that you can with proper form…