davideickelmann Member


  • Eight exercises in a circuit is inconsiderate. Doing more than four is guaranteed to cause issues unless the gym is deserted.
  • Doing eight exercises in a circuit when there are other people wanting to use equipment is a little selfish. Also, if he was lifting Heavy, he probably didn't want to rack and unrack his plates for you. Maybe do 2 four exercise circuits instead of
  • whoa, who brought form into this? This is about whether or not it's necessary. Snatches, Cleans, C&Js, DLs, etc do not have negatives, and I neither said nor implied that they do.
  • I guess that in your case you're doing it to get excited about your lift? Doesn't make it necessary, although what you do in your own home is obviously no one's concern but your own (and your spouse's I suppose)
  • Does she drop the bar after every rep? If you can't see the relevance of a shoulder press to doing a controlled lowering of an overhead lift, then I can't really help you out there.
  • If you're dropping the bar after a PR overhead lift at a significant weight, or after a heavy DL, I get it. What I find absolutely silly are people doing power cleans with a weight less than what I shoulder press dropping the bar from the shoulder for multiple reps in a set, every single time. You're wearing shorts (I…
  • You shouldn't need a spot for all 5 sets. When you get to your 4th or 5th set, just politely ask someone if they can spot you. As far as breaks, yeah, you can take them, but indicate what you're doing. "Hey, can you spot me for 2 sets with a minute rest in between?" If you're going to be resting for longer than a minute…
  • Women don't have single digit body fat. 3% on a man is around 10% on a woman, and both BF percentages will lead to significant health problems if maintained for long periods (more than a day)
  • you simply haven't gotten around to losing the fat from your thighs and *kitten* yet. Keep going.
  • Over/Under has gotten me over 400 lbs. The more time you spend lifting, the stronger your grip will get (especially if you do rows, DLs, shrugs, cleans, etc regularly). My suggestion would be to use a double overhand grip until the bar becomes too heavy, and then switch to the over/under.
  • I came in to post coffee. I solve this issue with chemicals. thanks N.O.Xplode and Creatine!
  • This is indeed why people wear gloves. As mentioned above, callouses can be made less rough with skincare. Honestly, it's not a big deal.
  • Long socks will protect your shins to a degree, but my kneecaps (and right above them) still get torn up by barbells doing deadlifts, and to a lesser degree from cleans/snatches. Picking up a heavy bar with knurling on it with force is going to occasionally result in torn skin/bruises. You could drop the bar after each…
  • Bent-Over Barbell Row Deadlifts Facepulls Pull ups Standing curls with an EZ bar Hammer curls I also do Upright rows and Shrugs on back day out of convenience It's pretty funny doing barbell rows with a weight that people around you are doing deadlifts/squats with.
  • I don't know if I would expect those items, as even if they do have them, they probably won't have many of them, whereas standard barbells are usually rather numerous in a gym. Using the standard diameter barbell will also improve your grip strength. Use what you like, but be aware of the pros/cons of the options available…
  • Carrying a 75 lbs dumbbell in each hand gets irritating through a set, a 300 lbs barbell isn't as bad. On top of that, some folks just don't like having an esoteric lunges moment.
  • I go to the gym every morning during the week at 430 AM (7 and 9 AM on Sat/Sun) to lift and then try to make time to do some cardio in the afternoon a few days a week.
  • ATG Squats are probably the best exercise for your glutes. Your post (perhaps you should reread it) is readily construable as asserting that squats are a quad exercise and not optimal for your glutes. You're welcome? If you only come to the forums to give this kind of advice (telling an absolute beginner to do good…
  • Whey also has fat in it, and carbs. If you're trying to eat that much protein (I'm assuming you're lifting), then dropping your carbs might be a better solution than going to what is effectively a 0 fat diet. Probably the only way to hit a fat target like that is to eat 8 cans of tuna a day as your protein source.
  • If squats aren't hitting your glutes, then you aren't going low enough. Squats will absolutely hit your glutes, and will only give you less impact than a deadlift if you're not going low or are doing a front bar.
  • Three things to keep in mind: First, "heavy" is relative. What's important is that it's "heavy" for you. As you continue to progress with your weight training, heavy will become an ever increasing number, so don't worry about lifting any particular weight, just focus on something that is challenging in the rep scheme…
  • You did a poor job of explaining the problem, hence the nature of the responses. It would help if you had posted a picture. Also, built shoulders tend to look round, not square.
  • I rage when girls tell me that lifting heavy things will make them "bulky" as I struggle to add 1/4 of an inch to my bicep...
  • You probably don't need rows, pull ups, chin ups, and 2 bicep curls on each pull day. Do rows, one bw, and one curl. Also, why the incline and flat flyes? Where are the pullovers? Why are you doing front raises (anterior delt) when you are doing 3 exercises that directly work the anterior delt (bench, inc. bench, mil…
  • If I may, I'd like to recommend that you focus on longer term goals. Take measurements, photos, etc for progress tracking, but don't sweat how you look yet. It's very easy to become very discouraged by the slow rate of progress from lifting, largely because we live in an "on-demand" world, and body-building (yes, what…
  • I want to point out that hypertrophy and strength gains happen at all rep ranges, it's just that these are typically considered the "optimal" windows for these effects.
  • When are you noticing this? Is it right after your workouts? When I have a pump (i.e., right after I've trained my arms), my bicep measurement is an inch bigger than when I measure the bicep before a workout, simply due to blood flow.
  • Here's your checklist: 1. Explain to her that your goals have changed, and then tell her what your new goals are. 2. Explain to her that you enjoy training with her, but that your training goals are a priority, and ask her if she is the best trainer for accomplishing your goals, or if she could refer you to someone else.…