ni3k Member


  • found this old passport photo so took a pic and uploaded to show quite how awful i looked. when i see this i think of jabba the hut :S before after so to all the people out there feeling like you cant do it, you can! :) 105kg-74kg :D
  • wow gorgeous, great work :)
  • when ive had plateau issues, Id usually kick it up a notch with some running (which i dont regularly do) which usually helped
    in Plateau Comment by ni3k October 2011
  • I donated some of my bigger clothes to my dad, so still see some of the things I used to wear. Not brave enough to chick away the slightly bigger things as I quite often end up just restricting myself to what i'm wearing. Maybe I'll do one of these pics people do with wearing their fat clothes after leading weight :)
  • thanks guys! oh and i have to say the best method for losing weight i found was WALKING :) and when i hit a plateau i would make an effort to go for a few runs, i walked 6-9 miles a day (to and from work every day) for about 5 months to lose the bulk of the weight. Im currently making sure i walk the 3 miles to uni most of…