SandysSpot Member


  • I use the 2002 DANDR version - that's something you may want to consider. It's still got the low carbs ("net carbs" - subtract fiber counts) which may help you. I've got more energy than I know what to do with. I've started back up with my karate classes, wake up with ease, this is been great so far. I've only been…
  • That's awesome! I'm just starting week 2 myself and am down over 8. I've known for years a low carb approach is what my body responds to best but have always fought against doing it because I love carbs :( It came down to health or carbs, so....... health wins!
  • Since I'm "new" here (in this group anyway), my challenge is to complete the first two weeks with a clean induction :) In order to make this happen "easier" for me, I need to focus more on food prep - My biggest things are breakfasts and lunches because I'm always at work when I'm ready to eat. My game plan for work…