babybl00310 Member


  • Today's Lunch. Baked tortilla filled with roast beef, onion, light cheese and a little mustard served with a salad of baby spinach, cucumber, ground chillies and a little extra light salad cream.
  • Today's Lunch: Toasted bagel with roast beef, onions, spinach and a cream cheese and mustard sauce with side salad.
  • Enjoy! Personally, grey windy drizzle is my favourite weather for running in. A little bit less of the wind and a little more drizzle though!
  • I follow Weight Watchers as well as logging my calories on here. The system is simple- you are allocated a number of points per day, 49 additional points which are optional to use over the week (I find I get better losses when I use at least half of them) and you can also earn more points via exercise. I cook a lot from…
  • Not the most appetising of pictures but it was tasty. Slow cooked Roast beef, roast vegetables and sweet potato and celeriac mash.
  • Week 7 Day 3 for us on Monday and Week 8 Day 3 yesterday. As my friend finishes up work on Friday for three weeks holiday she wants to do Week 9 on Friday to graduate the programme. I used to run a couple of years ago but she has completely astounded me with her determination and drive. We are aiming to do our first…
  • Try ebay for running bras. I've bought three shock absorbers recently and haven't paid more than £7.50 including postage for each one brand new.
  • I'm gathering you're in the UK as you've quoted £'s. If you're looking for a sports bra try ebay. I've bought a few Shock Absorbers from there brand new for about £7.50 including postage.
  • I'm planning to get a boudoir/fifties pin-up shoot done. There is one single, solitary picture of me and my other half in existence as I have developed an irrational fear of the camera so I want to try and get over that.
  • White fish in a crumb of turkey rasher, chorizo, parmesan and red onion with roasted potatoes and spinach.
  • Chorizo and Parmesan topped white fish with celeriac chips, roasted onions and lettuce.
  • I'm an E Cup and I wear a Berlei Shock Absorber which makes a huge difference. I don't care if people look at them (if you've got 'em, flaunt 'em!!) but I find it painful and uncomfortable if they are moving around when I exercise.
  • Week 8 Day 1 for me at 5am this morning with my doggy. It was a horrible run- I tripped over some fresh air and landed flat on my face, checked my phone was okay then bounced back up and carried on, took a different route and got lost so ended up practically hopping through long grass trying to avoid rabbit holes but I did…
  • Week 6 Day 3 here. After not being sure that my friend would do Week 5 day 3 on Tuesday, she blasted it and still felt that she had some gas in her tank so today she wanted to try Week 6 Day 3. Completed! I am so proud of her and looking forward to week 7 now.
  • Well done! I run with my friend and my pace is quicker than hers as I used to run regularly a few years ago so am building myself back up. As I keep telling her, if you think you are going as slow as you can go, slow down. I'm a firm believer in distance over pace, certainly to begin with. Once you are at the stage where…
  • Well done! Now you have an outdoor starting pace for your 5k and can see how you improve with practice. Week 7 for me this morning before work. Going out after work to do Week 5 Day 3 with my friend however this is going to take some convincing as she really doesn't think she can do the full 20 minutes.
  • Week 5 Day 2 here. Trying to convince my friend that she's ready to tackle day 3 tomorrow!
  • Week 5 Day 1 for me today with me friend then afterwards week 7 day 3. My intention was to do week 5 day 3 but after the 20 minutes I felt good so continued to run through the cooldown. It's very hilly where I stay so feeling proud of myself tonight.
  • I think the recommendation in the UK is no more than 10 per week if you have cholesterol issues but other than that, as many as you like! My dad has three every morning and has done for years and doesn't seem to have done him any harm and also keep him full until he gets a chance to eat again as he doesn't have a…
  • I am set for 1450 calories daily but I tend to have a couple of days where I am slightly under and a couple where I'm slightly over. I eat my main meal of the day at noon and cook a lot of things from scratch. I eat bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, noodles etc but I weigh and measure everything. Below is yesterday's meals.…
  • A hot, humid day here in Scotland but my friend decided she was willing to give week 5 a go so week 5 day 1. I was so proud of her as she completed it and knows that this time next week is going to be the dreaded week 5 day 3!
  • I follow the UK 'propoints' system as well as logging my calories on MFP. I stopped going to class a while ago as my leader changed and I didn't find the new leader inspirational, lovely as she was. I took a bit of a break and lo and behold, gained the weight back. As none of the classes suited me timewise I downloaded an…
  • I hear ya! My other half is subscribed to all sorts of health websites and on a daily basis he gets emails telling him 'eat this, don't eat that' etc and it drives me nuts as he obsesses over them. Thing is, a few weeks down the line one of the things that's quoted as being bad for you before is now a must eat item for…
  • Depending on what I'm serving with it I have 45-65g dried weight.
  • I do a bit of both depending on the day. I find I am more likely to stick with my plan in the morning as I'm a morning person anyway so can get up and get it done but I then find I am generally hungrier all day. In the evenings it's too easy to think 'I can't be bothered' after being at work all day but I find once I start…
  • Losing pounds is around 80-90% diet. Exercise will make you feel good and helps shape your body and will improve your fitness but it's not a necessary requirement. I find when I exercise I am a smaller size at a higher weight than if i rely on diet alone but even a little exercise every day will give you a little boost so…
  • Week 5 Day 1 for me this morning. Up and out with the dog before 6am to do a hilly trail route. My pace was slightly slower than normal but until the second half of the last five minute run it was all uphill plus I had a headache which actually was a good distraction as I was thinking of that rather than wondering how much…
  • Week 4 day 3 for us last night. My running buddy doesn't feel ready to start week 5 on Monday so i've said we will do another few days at week 4 to let her gain some confidence. Physically I believe she's ready for week 5 but mentally I think it's a step too far for her.
  • I use Rundouble's C25k app (not sure if this is android only) and the calories it states are always close to what my HRM monitor states.
  • Prawns? Take hard boiled eggs with you and have them sliced on some crackerbread? Houmous?