

  • I just had grilled chicken breast, broccoli & cheese sauce and grap koolad. 185 calories.
  • Thank you. That is the one thing i dont like about dc to. I feel like as soon as i get my hr up the songs over and i never really break a sweat. Im gonna get zumba and give it a try and i also wanna get the fitness one. I wish adventures keep track of calories burned cause i was about to die after playing that for a hour…
  • Honestly after having a child it takes a good amount of time to get your hormones on track and for some that never happens with out medical help. It is totally natural to feel the way you do and its out of your control. If your hubby packed on the weight to thats normal in a pregnancy and so therefore he is feeling the…
  • Did you ever decide? i have dance central and really like it but i also want zumba even though i heard bad things about it. Most of what i hear is they done teach you the moves well enough to do them. i have never taken zumba but i do know how to dance and move my body so i would to hear reviews from someone that has both…
  • Thanks for the warm welcome and friend requests :)
  • good luck have you done one before? I want to jog/run it i know i can walk it no biggie. we are rasing $ for a new playground since out school doesnt have one.
  • We just got dance central today and its awesome. i didnt know it tracked calories i will make sure i do that tomorrow. I played over 2 hours tonight it is a easy game/workout to get lost in and time just flys by. Cant wait to get zumba and the biggest loser one.