Kateboyd37 Member


  • Thank you so much everyone for the thoughtful (and very helpful) advice! Upon examination, I realize I have been trying to change too many behaviors all at once. - Ok, I am going to start by 1st figuring out and practicing real/reasonable portion sizes...will take awhile to retrain my eyes! - - Also on Sunday (before work…
  • I'm a good encourager, and could use some myself! :smile:
  • 1st reason: I want to feel good - I was diagnosed with MS a few years ago and sank into a depressive funk (also gained weight from steroids and other meds I had to take during a bad flare...ugh!) So yes - for my health and general sanity I will lose weight. 2nd reason: I'd like to look great in photographs, wear my old…
  • Age: 37 H: 5' 6" SW: 205 CW: 196 GW: 140 I currently wear a size 14 on top and 16 on the bottom. I'm pear-shaped with broad shoulders/fairly proportionate. Current measurements are: Bust: 41 Waist: 35 Hips: 44 I have a muscular build and a large frame so my goal weight of 140 will put me on the thinner-side of a size 8 in…