

  • Hi, just wondering how your P90x results are. I'm 5'1"and currently at 132 lbs. I'm eating roughly 1,200 calories a day and like you, I feel lightheaded and weak at times. It's happening less often though. I've just finished Day 20 of P90x Classic and I bike for an hour most days on top of that. I skipped all X-Stretch…
  • Hi everyone! I seriously need some motivation to lose weight. I'm paying my friend 3 dollars a day to keep me on track so I hope it works. Height: 5'1" Highest weight: 140 lbs (now) Goal weight: 99 lbs What I'm doing: limiting my caloric intake to 1,500 kcal / day and doing Classic P90X (started yesterday; finished Day 2…
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