5'0-5'1 girls! Come together!



  • Amanda_Runs
    Amanda_Runs Posts: 169 Member
    I'm 5'1" and I am currently at 127, my highest was 145 and I am hoping to get down to 115!
  • erin4455
    erin4455 Posts: 135
    At my thinnest weight (as an adult), I was 105 lbs. Now I'm 38 and that's just an unrealistic weight goal for me. We all change as we get older, too, so what looked good on us at 20 doesn't necessarily apply ten years later. My current goal is 130-135...those numbers may sound high but they'd definitely make me happy and of course, once I reach my goal, I'd reassess my goals/maintenance from there.
  • jrich6
    jrich6 Posts: 26
    Hey there! I'm 5'1" and weigh 136. UGW of 110 but know I will start to feel great at 115. :)
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    I am 5'1" ! Goal weight is around 115!
  • 5'1" CW 145 GW 115

    35 years old, had first baby 2.5 years ago. Wanna lose the baby fat before I have the next baby.

    I do Bellydance and Samba.

    I think it is so hard for us short girls to lose weight. Would love to hear any tips people have.
  • Hi, I always say I'm 5'1" but I'm really 5'1/2". My height don't bother me, but my weight sure does. I feel that since I turned 40 (just turned 46) I cannot lose a pound to save my life. I am in the 160's, my lowest weight was at 120 and everyone told me I looked sickly. I look good at 140, but my ideal weight would be 130.
  • Im 5'1and 238 pounds and my current goal weight is 150 and see how I look and feel and then decide what I want next.

    I like my height and know we can lose weight and be fit just like the taller people lol
  • 5'2, but still quite short! My goal's 105
  • 5'1 and CW 157 :( I would love to see 135 soon but I cannot seem to loose weight no matter what I do!! I need help!!
  • LipstickandIron
    LipstickandIron Posts: 31 Member
    Hi ladies! I am slightly taller, not much though at 5'2.5". I am 22 and currently weigh 126, and am aiming for around 115. More so than weight, I am going for a body fat between 18 & 19%. Last time I was measured (about 2- 21/2 months ago,) I was at 25%. So I have a ways to go! Please, feel free to add, but please include a message that you saw me on this thread. Thanks & good luck to you all! :)
  • shumbri
    shumbri Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 4"11 and right now I'm 118. My goal is to be around 112:smile:
  • melcookson
    melcookson Posts: 146 Member
    I'm ever so slightly over 5, maybe 5ft and half an inch! Currently 122lbs, would love to be 122lbs
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    5'1.5" here! I started at 147 and have successfully kept off 25lbs.

    Now its those last ten that are getting me!

    My goal is to get to (and maintain) between 110-114lbs. Ive never been lower than 118 so its a challenge! Currently at 123.

    Oh and Im 35 :)

    Feel free to add me!
  • valleemic
    valleemic Posts: 103 Member
    5 ' 0''
    Sept. 2011 - 161.3
    May 2012 - 120

    Lost over 40 lbs in 8 months and mainted it for 4 months! (May 2012-Sept. 2012)

    Sept - Dec. 2112 - started gaining weight!

    Jan. 2013 - 132 lbs! (Urg!!!)
    Feb. 4, 2013 - 125.7 lbs

    GW: 110-115 (not sure yet)!
  • I am 5" currently 14bs but want to atleast get down to 125lbs. I once reached my overall goal of 115lbs but gained. I was told I was too skinny at that weight so I am going to see how I feel at 125lbs. Feel free to add me! Need and will be great support system!
  • veggieluver2
    veggieluver2 Posts: 70 Member
    Almost 49 yrs old. :(

    CW: 109
    GW: 105 (I'd take 100), but I think due to my age it's almost impossible. I also lift weights, so some of my weight is due to the muscle I've built over the years. I'm not complaining. I know I should be happy where I am.:happy:
  • Hi! I just joined and I am looking for support! I am 5'1 and currently 116. My goal weight is 105! I am here for support! Good luck!
  • chantelp89
    chantelp89 Posts: 590 Member
    I'm 5ft.
    SW- 147
    CW- 138
    GW- 100

    Even at 100 lb I'm "skinny fat", so when I get there I'll star to tone up and do strength training.
  • tenilroo
    tenilroo Posts: 2
    Hi everyone!

    I seriously need some motivation to lose weight. I'm paying my friend 3 dollars a day to keep me on track so I hope it works.

    Height: 5'1"
    Highest weight: 140 lbs (now)
    Goal weight: 99 lbs

    What I'm doing: limiting my caloric intake to 1,500 kcal / day and doing Classic P90X (started yesterday; finished Day 2 today).

  • daniellalor
    daniellalor Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5 ft and 1/4" and 23 yrs old. I just had baby # 2 and weigh 150. My goal weight is 120-132. I was 132lbs in high school but very much toned and I loved it! Even at a higher weight and that's my main goal. I may not end up being "tiny" but I want to be toned and fit.

    Feel free to add me!