Hadenuf Member


  • Turkey bites, string cheese, yogurt with berries, thinsations 100 calorie snacks, and skinny cow icecream. MmmmmMmmmmmMmmmmm
  • My elliptical has been my main source of exercise since I started focusing on my weight loss in January. I've lost 51 pounds so far and to give you an idea of how effective it is - I've lost 6 inches off of my hips alone. Make sure you push yourself though is what I would recommend and try doing it backwards to work a…
  • I know where you're coming from. I can only relay my own experience as I'm sure everyone's body responds differently. My thyroid level was at 13.5 when they FINALLY caught on that something was out of whack. The medication doesn't make you drop the pounds quickly, but what it does do is lift you out of a cloud that I'm…
  • OMG I know EXACTLY where you're coming from in the frustration department. I'm 5'6" and exactly 260 pounds and I've been stuck here for 4 weeks! A month! Like you, I've been steadily losing weight since January (48 lbs) and I just wanna see that 50 lbs lost sign on my profile already!!!! If you figure it out before I do,…
  • Bawhahahahahahahahaha! Totally made me giggle aloud to myself just now. Sorry for your lunch loss .... Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Totally addicted to my elliptical. LOVE that you can burn a lot of calories in just 30 minutes, run if you feel like running, do it in reverse to work a whole other set of muscles and turn up the intensity by hiking up the resistance so that if feels like you're walking through honey or water or something. BURN BABY BURN…
  • I've had hypothyroidism for YEARS, after even more years of being misdiagnosed and numerous pounds of weight gained. I'll tell ya, it takes a while to get the right dose of medication for the correct amount of TSH. But once you do, it isn't a miracle weight loss cure. It DOES help with not feeling so tired and unmotivated,…
  • Yeah!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE that feeling! Good for you Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Wowzers, you're lookin smokin hot! I was just imagining today what I would look like if I kept with this for a whole year and you just gave me a preview. Not to mention the swift kick in the pants I needed to workout today! So, thanks! And of course, CONGRATS!! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • You've got some ridiculous curves, woman! Good for you!:happy:
  • So, I like you all am a lover of makeup. Here's my question ... I love, love, love the look of liquid liner BUT even if I wait 5 minutes with my eyes closed for the stuff to dry, I ALWAYS get the black line in the crease of my eyelid within seconds! It's very frustrating. I know I have big eyes and all, but come on! There…
  • Niagara Falls - well, Welland actually, but no one ever knows where Welland is.
  • The entire President's Choice Blue Menu products. Sooooo goood, much lower calories and a HUGE selection.
  • What do you guys log the video as when you put it in for your exercise?? ooopps .. never mind .. maybe if I read the posts a little closer I'd already have my answer .... going to shake my *kitten* now ... LMAO
  • Before I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, my levels were almost at 13. Get on some medication before it gets worse. It helps with the energy for sure.
  • Thanks everyone for the awesome welcome! Looking forward to getting to know all of you better during the daily battles we just LOVE fighting with ourselves! LOL ;)