30 day shred.

Could you guys please explain what this 30 day shred is please. Thank you.


  • Flacachica
    Flacachica Posts: 328 Member
    Sure. It's a DVD or exercise program my Jillian Michaels (you know the trainer from the show The Biggest Loser?). Anyway, it's tough and you will see results. I love it!
  • tiffsNEWlife
    Its a 27 minute strength/aeorbic work out. According to the "plan" Jilian Michaels sets up to do for 30 days straight. Very good work out!!
  • princess_f
    ive just done my first day and its a 20min workout of abs,cardio and strength, its hard going and feels like 3 gym work outs in one go. There is level 1 which i did then 2 & 3. i think your ment to do each each level for 10 days
  • BackwoodsMom
    BackwoodsMom Posts: 227 Member
    There are 3 levels, each about 20-25 min. long. Guess the way you're supposed to do it is 10 days at each level. My thoughts, though, are that this is a lot of strength training so I do it every other day. The other day I do Jillian's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism dvd.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    This is my Jillian Michaels Dvd workout schedule this week. No More Trouble Zones Mon and Thurs, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism Tue and Fri and Yoga Meltdown Wed and Sat with HIIT cardio. 6days wiht the 7th as an active rest day. If you have these dvds try this workout it is a great burn. :-)
  • mycrazyturtles
    Its a 27 minute strength/aeorbic work out. According to the "plan" Jilian Michaels sets up to do for 30 days straight. Very good work out!!

    Where do you get that it is a 27 min work out, you have a 2 min warm up and 3 sets of 6 min, i'm pretty sure that = 20 min. The cool down also. But there is nothing to the cool down.
  • Sebadii
    Oh ok,thank you. Can you buy the DVD from most shops or is it just like off Amazon?
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    it's awesome :o) & the debate on the exact number of minutes, the box says 6 each rep (x3) & 2 min warm up & 2 cool down = 22 mins, but it must be an approximate because level one is exactly 22 & level 2 is more like 25-26 & i haven't gotten to level 3 yet, but either way i LOVE it & it's less than a half hour, so it isn't unbearable because when a rep gets hard & you're groaning & telling Jillian to shut up, it's over :o) if you do it consecutively, there is a difference in inches by day 5 & i know people who are going through the shred for a second 30 days & say it's a whole new experience following Natalie for everything & a huge difference in endurance. it works by muscle confusion, you do strength & cardio intermittently & it kicks your butt. i log it as circuit training 25 mins.
    oh & it's only $9 right now at target! i bought mine there for $12 a few weeks ago & just talked a friend into buying it, so we went last night & yeah only $9. totally worth it. good luck!
  • Hadenuf
    Hadenuf Posts: 20 Member
    What do you guys log the video as when you put it in for your exercise?? ooopps .. never mind .. maybe if I read the posts a little closer I'd already have my answer .... going to shake my *kitten* now ... LMAO