

  • I agree. It's always fun to have someone else to workout with. I use to be deathly scared of doing any of my workouts in front of my boyfriend because he's very athletic and fit, but I got over it and it's great to get his support. The 1st day I started my shred he was in the same room doing other stuff and I knew he could…
  • That's Awesome! Im excited to move on up :)
  • I will have to try that one out after the Shred. I love Jillian .. she really motivates me especially when I just wanna plop on the ground and give up.
  • I started Sunday night and have been doing my workouts in the morning since I work nights and not sure how I'll feel after I get off, so I get it out of the way earlier. I would really like to start the 30 day squat challenge too. I'm always feeling the soreness more in my legs, so I think it will be a great challenge…
  • That's great! I would really like to hear about how it goes for you. Good luck and I hope the best for both of us :)
  • SW: 246 CW: 235 TWL: 11 LBS I started about 2 1/2 weeks ago. In my first week of just changing the way I ate without exercise I lost my first 8 pounds. This is my first week with MFP and I've been able to drop an additional 3 pounds by logging and keeping within my calories and also incorporating exercise. So far, so good!…
  • A year from now I hope to reach my goal weight or pass it. Hopefully my motivation is just as high as it is now :) I'm also hoping to finish up my degree by then as well.
  • I always used the excuse "I dont look THAT bad", but sadly I really did. It wasn't until a co-worker of mine mistakenly called me by one of my other co-workers names (and she's a hefty size as well). He said that we looked that same from the back and I was horrified because I didn't think I had gotten that big. That same…
  • I just completed Day 2! It's tough, but I still managed to make it through to the end. Looking forward to all our results. Feel free to add me everyone. I'm always looking to give and receive more support through my journey!
  • I'm up for the challenge! SW:246 CW: 237 GW: 199 (Back in ONEder Land) Age: 20 Height: 5'6 Keep me updated, please!