tinyavocados Member


  • I had MFP calculate my calorie goal for me for weight loss. They put me at 1,450. Then every day I log breastfeeding under exercise as a “cardio workout” that gives me a 500 calorie burn. This allows me to eat a good amount each day and I haven’t felt deprived at all!
  • Me! I'm 10 weeks PP and I'm just now starting back at counting calories and attempting to workout again. I have about 50 lbs to lose at the moment. I weigh more now than I did pre-pregnancy and I just want it gone!
  • I asked my doctor twice, both times after seeing a nutritionist AND logging every calorie for at least 30 days. I lost about 2 pounds and I was working my butt off, but it wasn't working for me. They still said no to the Phentermine even though my weight was stuck. I ended up going out to a weight loss clinic in my area…