Ugh, 57 years old here and am I tired, I've been on a mission since the beginning of this year to loose this belly of mine and yesterday I went to the gym and I'm not sure if I moved wrong, didn't stretch enough or just over did it, but man am I wiped out ! :yawn: I did some good stretching today and stayed home to do some…
Pets and tummy rubs to gunner for helping his mommy with her exercise. :tongue:
Thank you for your help everyone I really appriciate it and thats really funny and cute about the dog gunner :-D
First off thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. What I mean is... you know when you come in and log the food you ate and the water you drank for the day .. Well when I try to do the same thing with my exercise I can't, example, with the food if your listing spagetti sauce and it's Ragu brand well when you…
Hello Skinnyjeanz what is walk gunner ??
OK I'm a new kid, what does BUMP mean ? Also when I've tried to list the exercise I can't how do you do this ?
Hello MrsGraves87, I'd like to make a suggestion here and hope you don't take it wrong. You say your self esteem is low because your on the heavy side, well how about this. When you feel that low feeling coming on or the green eyed monster rearing it's ugly head, don't say a word and just go for a walk or run or swim or…