Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Thursday Truth: I don't plan my days very good. Yesterday, I knew I was going to try to do both Aqua Power class and Zumba. I also knew that would give me lots of extra calories (I do try to eat back those calories for the most part). I should have eaten more at breakfast and lunch, but instead I saved them for supper. It would have been different if I was going out with friends, but I just ate pizza instead -- with a pop and a candybar for dessert! Talk about truly empty calories. Still stayed under calorie goal, but I don't feel great -- water retention, stomach feels blech....maybe I'll have learned a lesson. :angry:

    @RobinsEgg -- I hope you can find something too. Have you tried water aerobics?

    @Toots -- UNBELIEVABLE!!!:explode: I'm mad for you. I agree that sometimes doctors have to tell us news we don't want to hear, but there is a way to say them and a way not to say them!!! There is a group on MFP for people with PCOS; they might have some tips for you.

    You all have a great day -- I have Zumba class tonight and then my son has a baseball game (he got rained out on Tuesday, so hopefully the fields are better by now). GO ASTROS!!! Now its off to drink a ton of water to make up for my salty Wednesday.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys-
    I missed Wed. Wish due to still not feeling well, so I 2nd marca's wish for this headache to go away! :grumble:

    @marca--the 80/20 rule is so true!! Just doing a little bit better with my eating over the past 2 weeks has brought me back down to to 185 as of today. I'm still not at my low of 181, but I'll get back there and beyond!

    @toots--I think your doctor sounds just awful!

    @robin--thanks for explaining who gunner is. :laugh:

    @lilwaif--welcome! :flowerforyou: I did exactly what tracy said about looking through the database to see how stuff is worded. I've also just added my own exercises when all else fails. As roundgal said, if you don't have an HRM/calorie counter, you can look up approximate calories burned. I love the heathstatus one and use it all the time.

    @roundgal--thanks for the other links!

    @mel--yes, I find it's all of the "condiments" that I need to weigh--like mayo or ketchup. I've found the best way to do it is to put the bread (or whatever I'm eating it on) on the plate, tare the scale to zero, and then add the mayo, etc. directly to the bread and weigh it.

    Thursday Truth:
    I feel like crap!!! My nose is still all stuffed up, but now it's itchy too and I have a killer headache! :angry: I wonder if allergies are mixing in with the sinus thing I've had going on. Anyway, I took gunner for an extra-long walk yesterday, then I cleaned up his yard and gardened for awhile. I was already a bit head-achey before that, but once I finished, I was down for the count. In bed my 8:30 so no core work. :ohwell:

    Exercise Goals for this week:
    Mon--walk gunner + gym DONE (did weights and rowing + cardio)
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + core NOT DONE (but gardened for about an hour)
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner + run outside + core
    Mon--walk gunner + gym

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 Diction analyses
    2. 10/57 TTTC Journals
    3. 4/31 AP final papers
    4. x/16 ACT essays
  • lilwaif
    lilwaif Posts: 7
    Pets and tummy rubs to gunner for helping his mommy with her exercise. :tongue:
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    BUMP! I'm really excited to find you all! I joined the site before my wedding and great success and then I got married, got pregnant on the honeymoon and BOOM....back to where I started. I had great support the first time and it made all the difference. Looking forward to joining this thread!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    BUMP! I'm really excited to find you all! I joined the site before my wedding and great success and then I got married, got pregnant on the honeymoon and BOOM....back to where I started. I had great support the first time and it made all the difference. Looking forward to joining this thread!

    @toots--I think your doctor sounds just awful!

    i'm sure she meant well, but she was wrong :laugh: and the delivery needed some work.
    @Toots -- UNBELIEVABLE!!!:explode: I'm mad for you. I agree that sometimes doctors have to tell us news we don't want to hear, but there is a way to say them and a way not to say them!!! There is a group on MFP for people with PCOS; they might have some tips for you.

    i'm just not even sure where she's coming from. i weigh about 260 pounds. which is surely too much but not enough to justify a dangerous surgery.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Toots, you qualify for the surgery especially if you have other weight related health issues.... like diabetes, thyroid disorder, PCOS may fall in that too. The operative word here is QUALIFY, not " YOU GONNA DIE IF WE DON'T WACK YOU OPEN AND REMOVE YOUR INSIDES!!!" UGH!!!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    hello everyone, anyone have the solution how to over come a plateau, its been three weeks and no loss, getting frustrated.

    me too....have been exercising and eating properly with no weight results :sad: wish i had the answer to get things moving again
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    hello everyone, anyone have the solution how to over come a plateau, its been three weeks and no loss, getting frustrated.

    me too....have been exercising and eating properly with no weight results :sad: wish i had the answer to get things moving again
    Plateaus happen for a reason.... your body has a kind of default weight. Where ever you stay for a while becomes the new default and the body will try to maintain the status quo. After you have lost some weight, the body will fight more weight loss for a bit but will also be resetting the default weight!!! So, plateaus, though frustrating, have a purpose!!! That said, the best way to restart weight loss (after letting the body adjust) is to change things up.... add strength training, add intervals to your cardio, reduce carbs, eat a bigger breakfast, whatever!!! And keep working!!!! Remember that staying where you are is STILL better than where you started!!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Toots, you qualify for the surgery especially if you have other weight related health issues.... like diabetes, thyroid disorder, PCOS may fall in that too. The operative word here is QUALIFY, not " YOU GONNA DIE IF WE DON'T WACK YOU OPEN AND REMOVE YOUR INSIDES!!!" UGH!!!

    exactly. i'm sure i DO qualify. however the fact is i don't think it's justified.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning guys. I just got caught up on everyones posts from yesterday. I was just minding my own buisness yesterday when I was viciously attacked by a migaine:grumble: I dont get them very often but when I do they completley put me down. Good news I am feeling much better today just a little weak and shakey and that will pass.
    Toots I second everything everyone else said about that Dr. Her bedside manner leaves alot to be desired.
    Skinny sorry you weren't feeling good yesterday hopefully you woke up feeling much better. I totally understand the joy of allergies.
    Not sure who was asking about plateaus but yeah thye are just part of the process. I lost 58 pounds and then nothing for six weeks. I would bounce around two or three pounds that whole time and then it just busted and now I am back to a pound or more a week pretty steady. I just kept making small tweaks and couldnt tell you what it was that worked. You just have to not give up that is the main thing.
    My wish for Wednesday would have been not o have the headache:laugh:
    Thursday truth is I get very frustrated when people dont listen to me. I know I dont know everything but there are still certain members of my family driving me nuts right now.
    Well have a great day everyone and make all the best choices you can including not forgetting our friend :drinker: :drinker:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Great insight from tammy and marca about plateaus!! I 100% agree--plateaus are your body's way of getting used to weighing less. I think it's important to view plateaus as a positive response your body has to weight loss vs. as some evil force to be conquered. :wink:

    @lilwaif--yes, gunner gets lots of tummy rubs for helping mom work out. Back when I started this, there were plenty of days I didn't want to get my butt out the door, but my cute puppy-dog "encouraged" me to take him for a walk despite my own laziness. Now I love going out for a walk or run, but on those rare occassions when I don't feel like it (or more likely don't feel I have the time), he still nudges me out the door. :laugh:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Still following everyones posts. Praying for those whoe are struggling and cheering for those who are kicking fat butt!

    Thursday truth -........ Dr. McHottyPants was NOT pleased with my weight gain when he saw me again yesterday. He wants to see me next Friday (5/31) to 'discuss' it. Looks like I better behave for the next week so I can show him I'm back to being a good girl. SPending some time researchings foods today. Trying to find the lowest Purine foods that fit into my carb/sodium macros. Just what I need..ANOTHER food restriction. It looks like I'll be an involuntary vegetarian for a little while.. or at least cutting back the meat substantially(maybe 3oz a day as compared to 9oz). At least Sirloin is the same content as Chicken leg/Thigh (chicken breast is much higher) LOL!

    He DID finally give me some meds for my gout. He did some searching and found one that filters through the liver instead of the kidneys. Unfortunately my health insurance didn't cover that drug so it was 129.00 out of pocket. Between missing 4 days of work (no sick leave so if I don't work, I don't get paid) and that drug...June will be a TIGHT month for me.

    He also told me (again) that I should drink cherry juice. This time he explained why. The anthocyanins in the juice breaks down the crystalized Uric acid and helps the body pass it out. From what I read 2Tbsp daily is enough to prevent most cases of gout ( I guess unless you go crazy on purine high foods) and 8oz per day will help end a gout attack in about 48-72 hours. I Did learn an important lesson about Cherry juice. Don't drink it (8oz) of it unless you'll be home...alone... for a while...WOW! Even the cats abondonded me last night :blushing:

    Anyhoo, still hobbling and gimping BUT the pain is no longer excruciating and I can actually SLEEP at night, which is amazing. I got in a full 10 hours last night (mines the 15 minutes that I had to change the blankets when the cat gacked up his dinner on the foot of the bed@ 1:43 AM).
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Thanks for all the info about plateaus...I didn't know any of that...just thought it was my body digging in to force me to give up :devil:

    MyMOwMOw -- your cherry juice made me laugh. :laugh: My mom tells of when she went to the World's Fair and on the way, she and dad bought Cherries. She apparently had too many and the long lines at the bathrooms resulted in her having to "wash" her pants in the sink. She is a bit wary of cherries to this day -- still loves them, but definitely is good about limiting herself. :bigsmile:

    Sunday: Rest (DONE )
    Monday: Water Fit (maybe weights too -- we'll see what this new class is all about) (DONE - just the water fit class)
    Tuesday: 30 DS (NOT DONE)
    Wednesday: Aqua Power (DONE + ZUMBA to make up for Tuesday)
    Thursday: Zumba (DONE)
    Friday: Cardio and Weights
    Saturday & Sunday: Working on my old house -- painting, power washing, cleaning in general
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Welcome to my gym!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @marca--your picture made me laugh! :laugh:

    @tracy & kris--all this talk of cherries reminded me that I have a bag of cherries in the produce drawer. Now I'm not sure I want to eat them...:tongue:

    AFM--Update is I still feel like crap. I've had spring allergies for years, but they are always in the form of chest congestion and a phlegmy cough. Occasionally, my eyes also get a bit watery and sticky. However, I've never had such intense eye/nose itchiness. I have always suspected that the allergy symptoms most affected my lungs b/c I was a smoker, so I'm wondering if this is the "new" way my allergies will manifest now that I've quit smoking. :ohwell:

    Exercise Goals for this week:
    Mon--walk gunner + gym DONE (did weights and rowing + cardio)
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + core NOT DONE (but gardened for about an hour)
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner + run outside + core
    Mon--walk gunner + gym

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 Diction analyses
    2. 10/57 TTTC Journals
    3. 13/31 AP final papers
    4. x/16 ACT essays
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Okay, I'm back. Missed showing up here for a while, but it's been BUSY. Because busy me = lazy me, I'm reading the posts on the current page and I'll just keep up from here!

    jtconst - eew, migraines are evil. I haven't had a full blown one in years, but I remember them well. People not listening drives me batty too!

    MyMOwMOw - ooof, cherries. 'Nuff said.

    TOPSmarca - HEY, fellow gardener! :D Mine finally got tilled up this past Saturday, and most of my plants are in. There are about a dozen pots of herbs to get in and my salad seeds to sow, but strawberries, tomatoes, watermelon, celery, onions, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and eggplant are all in the ground. :) I'm still rounding out my herb collection, though... one can never have too many varieties of basil, as far as I'm concerned! Um... do you have any ideas on how I might cheaply construct some temporary fencing that will discourage my Malamute and my toddler from destroying our food?

    Update in Laura World: I managed to shed the unwelcome water weight, and it took a pal with it, so I'm officially down to 210. One-derland is in sight, only a bag of sugar away (holy cats, is that really all?!?!) I've realized that I either need to dig out and oil my sewing machine so I can alter my clothes, or start buying new ones... the smallest pair of shorts that I own literally slides off my hips without unfastening them at all.

    I made a contact at a local pawn shop, the manager wants me to come set up a table once a week to sell my bakery products. I've introduced 3 new recipes (dill bread, rosemary & garlic, and whole wheat), as well as a baked cheese dip that is most definitely the LEAST healthy thing I make. LOL I got up the nerve to contact Trader Joe's to see if they'd have any interest in my herbed dipping oil, so *shrug* we'll see. I decided to open a savings account for the bakery, because I realized I was walking around with an unsecured cash box containing well in excess of $100 in it. Regular deposits have carried the total to $150 as of today.

    As I mentioned above, my garden is FINALLY dug and about 3/4 planted. I have seeds for salad and salad veggies to put in, about a dozen herb pots, and thanks to freecycle I'll be picking up hostas to line the back fence as weed control, since I absolutely refuse to use chemicals that close to food. I'm planting a lot more than we will likely eat, but I don't think I'll have a problem getting rid of the excess at my twice-weekly sales. XD

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Welcome to my gym!!!
    My favorite kind of gym. Love getting the burn while getting stuff I want done :bigsmile:
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    hello everyone, anyone have the solution how to over come a plateau, its been three weeks and no loss, getting frustrated.

    Try upping your calories by 100 or so, and increasing your activity level/changing up your workout routine. It worked for me :)
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    TOPSmarca - HEY, fellow gardener! :D Mine finally got tilled up this past Saturday, and most of my plants are in. There are about a dozen pots of herbs to get in and my salad seeds to sow, but strawberries, tomatoes, watermelon, celery, onions, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and eggplant are all in the ground. :) I'm still rounding out my herb collection, though... one can never have too many varieties of basil, as far as I'm concerned! Um... do you have any ideas on how I might cheaply construct some temporary fencing that will discourage my Malamute and my toddler from destroying our food?
    Laura, a great, not so costly and easy to install fence is cattle panels, available at most feed stores. For small spaces (they are about 12 ft long?) simply attach them to each other. For larger areas, one fence post at the junction of each panel and at corners is all you need!!!! A gate is easy to accomplish too.... you just loop a quick link around the long piece of panel and a short piece of panel and use dog clips for fasteners!!! BTW, the panels cut fairly easily with a hack saw. Good luck and we want some pics of that garden when it gets to growing!!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Truth today was just a bad day for me. I think the end of school is now getting on my nerves and I want it to be over. Not to mention, that I am starting to take things personally even through it was just an accident. Nothing serious just a lack of communication received- I think the Assistant Principal forgot I was on the 8th grade team since I don't get to attend the team meetings with everyone else. The joys of teaching 7th grade at that time on less meeting but everyone forgets about me.
    The best of my day happened at the Amish Market when I ran into my friend Joe. We ended up going out for yogurt tonight. It was the perfect pick me up that I needed today. I did workout before hand so I earned the yogurt.

    Here is a fun saying that I heard tonight while talking to Joe: Eat breakfast like a King, eat lunch like a queen, then eat dinner like a pauper. How true is that statement.

    I am still working on changing up my meals and making a some progress. Next week, I am planning on creating an egg casserole with sausage and veggies. That way I can just heat it up in the morning. Next step is to start reducing the protein in take.

    Laura- Congrats on losing the water weight, that is always a great feeling.
    Marsah- I love your gym, great job on planting your garden.

    Monday- Trainer DONE
    Tuesday-off DONE
    Wednesday- gym NOT DONE
    Thursday- gym DONE
    Friday- Rock
    Saturday some type of exercise- bike, gym or swim not sure yet