Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Saturday success- I logged in. I lost my Ipod, so logging my foods has been a challenge. I will have to figure out how to get past that. I had a lot of things to fix in the last week; one of them was my attitude. Even though I tried really hard to remain calm through the storm; on the inside I was losing my mind. Right after the burglary, a student where I go to school was kidnapped on her way to her car just outside of the college campus. She is okay and now the guy that took her (and robbed a bank) has been captured, but for a few days I didn't even want to leave my house, much less go to school where another terrible thing happened. I let myself fall into the trap of being paranoid of everything. You know that moment when you step back and realize you are being ridiculous? That's where I'm at. lol

    Today was the first day since the burglary that I woke up feeling refreshed. The good news is that even though I haven't been logging- I haven't gone totally off of the deep end, after a super binge last Saturday night.

    So my success- I am still standing. I am still fighting. I am kicking tushy and taking names. Roar.

    I have a lot of Math homework to catch up on, so I can't really do personals- but will try to catch up with everyone tomorrow or later. I have been lurking in the shadows, reading bits and pieces of your posts. For those of you that are sick- feel better soon! Don't forget that vitamin C and tons of water really do help you get through it faster. I do Emergen-C and honestly feel that it keeps me healthier.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    saturday success- stayed on track with no late night snacking and actually lost weight!! amazing how that works
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Naceto - I am praying for you to find peace. That is a terrible story about the kidnapping story on campus. I'm so glad she is safe and the fellow has been captured. Math is good. There is always an answer. Its Not like real life at all.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Naceto - I am praying for you to find peace. That is a terrible story about the kidnapping story on campus. I'm so glad she is safe and the fellow has been captured. Math is good. There is always an answer. Its Not like real life at all.

    Thank you... So true about Math. It's not always easy to find the answer- but at least there is always a solution. :) great analogy Robin.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nicole--good to "hear" you roar!

    @karenleona--glad the plan is working for you!

    Saturday Success:
    Well after walking gunner and shoveling snow for 45 minutes, I almost wavered on going to the gym for my long run. But I decided to go, and boy am I glad I did. I ran all 4 miles straight through at an 11 minute mile pace! No walking breaks, no dialing down the speed--5.5 mph for 44 minutes straight (actually 43:49)! :bigsmile:

    Apparently chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream is my body's fuel of choice--who knew? :laugh:

    Now onto getting through some of my grading. :angry:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    NACETO – it’s definitely been a time of shocks and unhappy occurrences in your life. Thank God you can still ROAR! Not to provoke another discussion of bad stuff but do you happen to have a tiny container of pepper spray attached to your key ring? Or is that even permitted these days? I always had one when I had to walk to my car after working late. The parking ramp gave me the creeps……

    KARENLEONA – congrats to you! Staying on track and losing weight. This is definitely something to celebrate.

    GRANDMAKAYE – all right. A new haircut does give you a lift doesn’t it? That’s something that’s on my list but had to cancel my appointment last week due to bad weather.

    SKINNY – you are welcome. I predicted the Groundhog would see his shadow and of course he did NOT see his shadow this morning because I AM ALWAYS WRONG! No comment regarding your breakfast.

    DESDEMINA – great news regarding your niece. Also happy to hear good news regarding the baby of your other niece. I hope this continues and that you can get some time once again to get back into your exercise routine.

    ROBIN – I’m right there with you---2 days of Leslie.

    TOOTS – how are you doing? It’s stressful to know your spouse is having work-related problems and there’s really nothing you can do to help. Sorry.

    KAH68 – I hope Zoe continues a spunky recovery!

    SUSAN – all best wishes to you on both the job front and the workouts!

    KINNURSE – what a productive week! That is wonderful and I’m somewhat envious!! Sorry you had to go back to work.

    JUMPY – all right!!! Loose jewelry is a great NSV. Savor each one that comes your way. And I loved the broccoli pic. True true true.

    KRIS1085 – drinking water is so hard for many people and I have to say I kicked a wicked soda habit last year. Keep on trying both on the activity and the water.

    LAURIE – ack, so sorry your sinuses are plaguing you again. I hope you can shake it quickly and get back on track. BUT you have to take care of yourself first.

    VICKIE – good grief, I am so sorry to hear you’ve had respiratory problems. I hope you’re on the mend and will be back to full strength very soon.

    JT – what are you up to today? You’re a good mom; letting the kid kick you out of your own house!!

    SHYGUR – hi! Nice to have you back with us.

    HELEN – if you ever have a minute to elaborate on the synthroid issue I’d appreciate it. I take synthroid and no one told me to watch the fiber. I’ve been eating well over 40 g a day for months with no apparent problem. On another board someone posted that they are not permitted to eat raw veg like kale because they take synthroid. But no matter what I'm doing right or wrong, I’m stable on this dose---it’s been years and years and more years since blood work indicated any change. (And I have no thyroid at all, it was entirely surgically removed.)

    ALISON – now you NSV is tremendous! I’d like some of my meals to seem like too much. I make a smoothie every evening for my meal and last night I almost licked out the Vitamix as I didn’t want a drop to get away………really.:huh:

    Well in addition to some miles each day with Leslie, I have added 2 pieces of walnut to my diet without going over my calories for the day. I can use all the dietary +++s I can get. I have lots of other things to work on this year but it’s nice to make a start. BEST WISHES ALL!!!:drinker: :drinker:


  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
    Thanks for sharing about the fitbit/sleep. :flowerforyou:
    I have been waiting for the right Heart Monitor to track sleep also and this may be the one.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Nicole~Wow, you have been through a whirlwind lately. I am so very glad to hear the girl that was abducted is now safe and the guy is behind bars - glad that you woke up refreshed this morning as well. So good to see you!

    @Karen~I don't think I mentioned anything about Zoe's surgery. She is already spayed, but I had her declawed on Tuesday. She just wasn't acting right when I got home from work yesterday - but vet said all was good and to just keep an eye on her. I haven't given her any pain meds today and she's acting more like herself - no limping and is playing a lot more (although her favorite toys are still out of reach until Tuesday).

    Good news~I did some measurements today, haven't done them in a couple of months. Another 5" gone! I was amazed, 3 of those 5 were in my hips - its a miracle! :laugh: I do the dance of joy!

    My run was a little rough today, just couldn't sustain it for some reason so changed it over to walking on an incline - still got the calorie burn I needed. Really should have exercised outside today and tested the GPS on my new HRM, its just gorgeous here!
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    As promised, I exercised this afternoon and I'm reporting back! I did 55 minutes of YourShape on the xBox and burned 213 calories! It doesn't seem like a lot of calories for a whole hour, but I am soaked in sweat and exhausted. It's a good exhausted, though. I was motivated to get over the 200 calorie mark so it would count on Humana Vitality, otherwise I might have quit after 30 minutes.

    Feel tough and confident! I would take on the world if my jello legs would let me get off the couch...
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    TOOTS – how are you doing? It’s stressful to know your spouse is having work-related problems and there’s really nothing you can do to help. Sorry.
    @toots--I agree that you never used to see women leave the kids with their father. I think it's b/c 30 years ago, women had fewer opportunities to tempt them away from the responsibilities of motherhood. I bet there where just as many women who felt some discontentment with their lives; just less reason to do anything about it. I don't know if that made sense. I'm not in any way supporting the idea of moms abandoning their children--I think it's horrible for either parent to shun such a responsibility. However, from a purely sociological standpoint, I find it fascinating how much more alike men and women are than anyone would have guessed back when women were totally dependent on men for their financial well-being.

    no, that makes sense. and it was probably also the social pressure. no one ever would have forgiven a woman for acting so 'unnaturally' back in the day.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    NACETO – it’s definitely been a time of shocks and unhappy occurrences in your life. Thank God you can still ROAR! Not to provoke another discussion of bad stuff but do you happen to have a tiny container of pepper spray attached to your key ring? Or is that even permitted these days? I always had one when I had to walk to my car after working late. The parking ramp gave me the creeps……

    Thanks Lin! On the pepper spray--- I have a friend who is a distributor for just those types of things, but in pretty, girly colors! I am going to have a party on the 26th, where I can get discounts, depending on how much other people buy. I am really low on funds, since I have had to pay for so many things that this burglary caused ($400 for a school rental laptop- ugh)- since I didn't have renter's insurance. So having the party to get discounts will be awesome for me. I am going to get the pepper spray and there is a door jam thing that makes a really loud noise if the door is opened in the middle of the night. I am also considering a stun gun. It may be overkill, but I am not taking any chances. I never knew that they sold stuff like that in the same way as they do Pampered Chef or Mary Kay lol. It should be interesting....

    Thanks Kelley - I was so relieved about them catching that kidnapper/bankrobber also. I actually skipped my Math class because I was just too freaked out about it. (Math class is in the evenings). Normally, I feel separate from these things, like it could never happen to me... but since it happened so close to the other thing... BUT I am not going to let any of that get to me anymore. I have spent my time being freaked out and now just need to move onto the next chapter. :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nicole--interesting that they have home parties for those items--who knew?

    @desdemina--woot for getting that exercise done!! :drinker: Are you using a heart rate monitor to track calories burned? I only ask b/c 213 calories sounds REALLY low if you were sweating your butt off for almost an hour. I'm unfamiliar with the Your Shape, but if it's aerobic in any way, I bet you burned way more.

    @kelley--glad zoe is doing better and that the surgery was not due to a health problem or emergency, but was a planned procedure. Great NSV losing 3 inches on your hips!! It's the running you know--at least that's what helped me lose so much around my hips, butt, and thighs. I hear you on the tough run--it's how I felt last weekend when I did my long run--just couldn't get into a good groove and had to keep walking for breaks. Today was the exact opposite--I felt like I could run forever (well, maybe not forever, but I felt really good :laugh: ). Maybe you should try my special runner's breakfast--but don't tell Lin. :wink:

    @lin--thanks for not chastising me for my breakfast choice. :blushing: Honestly, my dh made the bundt cake on tuesday and I made him take most of it to work on thursday. Then last night I really wanted some. However, I didn't have enough calories and needed to meet my protein goal. I kept promising myself that if I used my willpower to resist it last night, I could have it for breakfast today (knowing I would have a big calorie burn). One of my biggest demons with food is not being able to delay eating something really yummy. I remember as a kid, if I ate something and them mom came home with something yummy from the store, I would want to tear into it right away. I can hear her voice saying "It will still be there later." Honestly, I rarely listened--it was like if I didn't have that tempting food immediately, it wouldn't taste as good. I'm not sure where that came from, but I still fight it to this day. So even though I had cake and ice cream for breakfast, it was actually a bit of a victory for me b/c I ate it when "I" decided, not when "it" decided.

    Saturday Success (cont.):
    I finished a bit more grading. :happy: So far I've had just over half my protein, so I need to go home and eat me some chicken!

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--run outside (60+ degrees!!) RAINING so I went to the gym (bicycle + treadmill) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + core CLEANED INSTEAD
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE (way too cold)
    Fri--rest day DID CORE WORK
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym (long run) DONE + shoveled snow DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    Grading Goals:
    1. 46/56 America poems/journals
    2. 3/3 annotate student sample papers DONE
    3. x/56 JRP plans
    4. x/16 Preposition quizzes

    February Challenge: 1/28 days of minimum 80 grams of protein
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @susan--I'm glad you liked the analogy. :happy: Good luck with the meeting monday. I agree with you that if it's meant to be, you should go for it. Nine months is enough time to get a really good feel for your current job, and it seems you've been a bit stressed by it. As far as the scale goes, inches and clothing sizes are a much better indicator of progress, and IMO they matter a lot more. People can look at you and SEE the difference in inches, but no one is going to pick you up and say "wow, you feel a bit lighter today." :laugh:

    I had chocolate fudge truffle bundt cake and vanilla ice cream for breakfast--OOPS! I thought it was Thursday truth! :laugh: Well, I'm off to walk gunner and then the gym for my long run. Will check back later. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks. I really liked the President a lot. We really seemed to click and I would report directly into him so that's imperative. It's a company whose been around since 1976, but bought by young owners about 5 years ago and they have a great business plan for growth. They already have 200 lease agreements signed to open new restaurants so we'll see. I love the thought of growing a business with such visionary leaders. With that said, if it doesn't work out, it means I'm supposed to dig deep and figure out my current job. This door wouldn't have opened so easily either. As for your comment on breakfast - my kind of breakfast!!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~you had a fantabulous run today!!! I bet it WAS your breakfast, sounds divine! :bigsmile:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Saturday- I am still not 100% but I am starting to feel a little better. Tomorrow I hope to walk at the gym just to see how I do.

    Susan-Congrats on your successes both size wise and job wise.

    Naceto- That must have been a scary situation with a kidnapping on campus. Glad they caught the guy.

    Kinnurse- I like your plan for fitness for the month, that is a great way to build up your exercise again.

    Karen- Great job at deciding when to eat the cake and not letting "It" win. Nice run today.

    My NSV for today was going stopping to shop for jeans real quick today. I don't have a true pair of jeans like Levi or Lee, just jean like pants. Today, I decided just to see if I could get a pair on in a size that I wanted. Today, I was able to fit into a size 16 pair of jeans and I was happy. I did not like the way they looked but I will take it. When I have more time I will shop for a pair of jeans. The scale is going down but it has a way to go before I reach my lowest weight that I have recorded about 7 pounds. I honestly think my body is losing it other places at this point that is not always noticeable.

    It's snowing here tonight so I decided to stay home. Did not want to battle the roads and the snow. One more night to help get over this sinus infection.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--Thanks! Glad you are starting to recover from the sinus infection--those are so nasty! Congrats on fitting into the size 16 jeans--such a win!! Just keep looking and you will find the right pair. I've found that Levi fit me better than Lee's, and Not Your Daughter's Jeans and Vera Wang seem to be more "forgiving" while Mossimo (Target) and DKNY tend to run smaller.

    @kelley--thanks! it will probably be weeks before I can do it again, but at least I know it's possible now.
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, Ontario weather this winter is just plain weird. Its cold one day and then mild the next. Blizzard like conditions one day and rain the next. Our weather prognasticator, Wiarton Willey, did not see his shadow today so lets hope he's right and that winter is almost over. I hate the cold weather but I hate this back and forth stuff even more.
    I'm doing well this weekend. The holiday heaviness at the hospital seems to be easing off and its not quite so bad at work. Had a really good night last night and tonight so far is pretty good too. I work 3 12 hour nights over every other w/e and it usually just wipes me out, but this w/e isnt' doing that. I'm eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies and have cut down on my carbs over the last few days and I seem to have a bit more energy. All in all, I'm doing well.
    @naceto - so glad you're starting to feel a bit better after your breakin. Its such a traumatic violation. And then the kidnapping on campus must have had you half crazy. I love the idea of having a house party to sell those types of items, never heard of such a thing. I don't think pepper spray is legal in Canada. I should check that out.
    @robinsegg - I will be 59 this summer Robin and have been aiming to retire at around 64-65. I spoke with a financial advisor a week or so ago and I may be able to retire a year or two earlier if I am able to pay down some of my debts. I'm looking at paying off some of my higher interest rate credit cards with a lower rate credit card which will help a bit. And I'm looking at refinancing my mortgage to take advantage of the lower interest rates right now. I'd have to pay a penalty for paying it off before it opens but in the long run it might be worth. it. Would really like to retire from nursing even if I had to take a part time job for pocket money. I've been nursing for almost 40 years and it gets harder every year.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Looking forward to everyones Sunday share. Its my favorite day to catch up with everyone. Charlotte
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @charlotte--weather in chicago is just as crazy--last weeks the high temp dropped over 40 degrees from one day to the next!

    Just checking in that I met my protein goal--97 grams today and over 400 calories to spare, so I've made up for my Thurday overage. Now if I can just keep it reigned in at tomorrow's Superbowl party!

    Who's everyone rooting for? I'm leaning toward San Fran, but still undecided.

    February Challenge: 2/28 days of minimum 80 grams of protein
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    GHD challenge: 2/2 Good night.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Today has been a good day overall .:smile: today mark my DH new work schedule. He normally works Saturday and is off
    Sunday, Monday. He has always love that Combo Sunday his way of thinking is reserve for family stuff and Monday is his day to do whatever he wants. Which for him means no errands or honey do list stuff. This has worked out. I have 3 days off Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

    I most always use Saturday s to clean laundry food shopping etc things needed to pull our lives back together after a long work week. Sunday is family day and Monday is normally stuff I did not get done on Saturday. I try to fit some me time in it use to never happen much but my me time is going to the Y and staying as long as I want too. So the point of all this is that for some reason DH instead of using today as his free day to recharge no errands etc choose to join me. Not sure why but he was cranky wanting to pick, pick about everything.::grumble: : My normal reaction is to retreat and stuff my face with food. Instead I went to the Y as plan enjoy the water a lot and the bike. Stay with my food plan did not get off track. :smile:

    @Nicole that must be scarey. Sorry for the rough path you are going through.:flowerforyou:
    @Alision - that is a great NSV.

    @ Charlotte good for you on having the foresight to save and plan tor retirement. My husband and I are steadily working towards that goal too. We became parents at an older age. That had made it sometimes hard to focus on that and with our DD having special needs we are worried about her too making sure she is provided for.

    @Karen I like how you made a plan for that piece of cake. You did it, stuck to the plan and had your cake too. :smile:

    @Susan that is wonderful your successes both size wise and your job.

    @Laurie that is a good nsv :happy: sorry you aren't feeling a 100% :yet :flowerforyou:

    Well I had wanted to posts more but I cant seem to recall what I was going to say.:embarassed:

    Well wishing you all a wonderful Evening.
