Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Hi all, well, starting to get my life back on track now the funeral is over for mother-in-law.
    Boy, was the house cold this morning when I woke up (I turn the heat down low every night). Every morning I look out at the water to see the weather....this morning was funny. The Canada geese are swimming in lines, follow the leader, between small, ice flows. Someday, I'll get my camera and take their picture. Even they look cold!

    Charlotte: pepper spray is illegal in Canada (to use on humans), but last year I tried to buy some online to use on animals (daughter has coyotes and bush wolves near her house). They sell it to use on bears and wolves. I wanted something to use if necessary when strolling the baby. I decided against it as it seemed to dangerous to could blow back in your face or on the I have a pointy ended walking stick for protection. The coyotes are a problem here (even though it's an urban area). There is a large Provincial Park closeby and lots of animals live there. The other afternoon, I saw two really big ones go by the house. They were so pretty trotting through the snow...they stood out. My daughter won't take her babies into the small woods across the street though and I don't like her having to be scared about it.
  • jumpy983
    @Skinny & Grandma - I definitely understand, unprovoked bites are dangerous and definitely with little ones around. For some reason I was thinking they might be older- around 5 or so. I am all for the use of other training tools, sprays and the like. Glad that it worked with Gunner. He seems like a smart cookie! Would love to see a pic of him sometime. :smile:

    @naceto I KNOW that moment!! I've been there! Please stay safe, but glad you had a moment to regroup yourself. Glad to hear you are refreshed. Will keep you in my thoughts for a happy, stress free, binge free week. If you have an online party, post the link, it'd be interesting to see what they sell.

    @karen that's wonderful! congrats!

    @skinny awesome run, wish my body ran on fuel like that!

    @lin I laughed trying to picture you licking the blender container trying to get every drop out. Some days I feel like that too. Just shove my head in the tupperware container to get every bit of salad dressing...I logged it didn't i???!!!

    @laurie that is awesome!! a good pair of jeans is worth the shop. and check your armpits! that's where i first noticed i lost a bit of weight...i was like whaaaa???Have a happy shopping day! Can't wait to hear all the details! (shopaholic here):smile:

    Nothing planned for the Big Day (Superbowl) just me and the dogs/cats. Going to chow down on some soup/salad since hubby is still at grandmas with the kids. I really miss them, but guess I'll get the house in order. Lots of laundry to do as always.
    At least it's not *this bad* (last year) 6h6ssl.jpg
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Jumpy - cute pic. Really made me laugh! Darling kids!

    Can you folks in Canada use Wasp Spray - is it legally sold in hardware stores? IT sprays a focussed stream about 20 feet and is recommended here in USA as a self- help protectant too.

    Nice day today - bouncy weather too. 15 degrees below last week now its 40 degrees and practically balmy.

    Skinny - loved that you got to eat cake and do your run so well!

    Charlotte - nursing has become terrifically hard with all the documentation that's required, its ridiculous. Your next few years will fly by - maybe you could get a transfer to a less stressful floor. I'm hoping something works out for you!
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @skinny - Your Shape is an exercise "game" for the xBox. There are different things you can do, some are toning, some are aerobic, there's also yoga and stretching. I don't have a heart rate monitor, but I do wear a Fitbit. Both the Fitbit and the game estimate your calories and they were close in their estimate. But I would like to think I actually did more!

    @laurie They're a little more expensive, but I like Lane Bryant jeans. They really are meant for us more curvy women, and they are so slenderizing! And jeans last forever.I do hate to spend much on clothes when I'm losing weight, because I hope I won't be in that size for long, but having clothes that look good and make you feel good is important, too.

    Not much else to update on. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Soooo many posts. Note to self, never skip a day, LOL.

    Some great NSVs yesterday. Congrats to everyone.

    Mine would be that my pants are getting loose. I don't know that I've dropped a size yet, but everything feels looser which makes me feel skinny - is that weird, considering I'm pretty far from skinny???? Had a planned eat what you please dinner last night, and you know what? I didn't really enjoy it..... and I went slightly over calories for it so it really wasn't worth it. I'll be more careful about what I choose the next time I plan an eat what you want night....

    Sunday share - not much to share really, i'm a single mom, for almost 15yrs now. Live in Ontario, Canada where I agree with another poster - the weather is just plain weird. I don't like the cold, but some consistency would be nice. Enough warm, cold, warm, cold already! I'm 44 yrs young, work full time at a local college. We have a simple life, I own a small townhouse that's far from fancy, but it is ours. My son plays hockey with a team made up of children with various special needs. You want to see hockey the way it should be played - find out if you have a team of athletes like these in your town/city and go see a game. Where the players from opposite teams help each other off the ice if they happen to run into each other, where the goalies will let goals in especially for a child who can hardly stand on their skates. Sure, they like to score and they like to "win" but the fact that they're out there, playing hockey is really a miracle for some of these kids.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @desdemina--oh, a combo of toning/aerobic would certainly burn less calories, and if both the fitbit and game were close, then the calorie burn was probably pretty accurate. I need to do more toning...:ohwell:

    @robin--I would kill for 40 degrees right now. Enjoy the balmyness! :laugh:

    @jumpy--just to clarify, I do NOT use the spray on gunner as a training tool. I carry it when I walk him b/c last spring a neighbor's loose dog ran up and attacked him while my DH was walking him. Gunner is a boxer/shepherd mix--we rescued him when he was about a year and a half. We thought that meant full-grown (he was a very skinny 65 lbs), but learned from the vet that large-breed male dogs can keep growing until about 3 yrs. I swear gunner kept growing until he was about 5! :laugh: He's now 7 and weighs 95 lbs. and is a good 4-5 inches longer and taller than when we got him. He is pretty smart, but also very dominant. I mostly trained him using the Caesar Milan method (although I still give him way more attention and cuddling than Caesar would approve :blushing: ). In general, we use dog-pack mentality to punish him, meaning if he's misbehaving, he gets "shunned." I also did a lot at the start to establish myself as the "alpha"--eating before feeding him, taking back toys to show him they belong to me, etc. It worked pretty well. Only problem is he constantly battles with DH over who gets to be "beta." :ohwell: There he is in my profile pic at his training "graduation." Oh, and I loved the laundry picture! :laugh:

    @melancholy--glad life is getting back to normal for you. :flowerforyou:

    @liz--great job choosing the Y over food! :drinker:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi all and happy Sunday. Well my daughters get together was a success. No cops no neighbor complaints and the house was relativley clean when I got home. It sounds like they all had a good time and it was nice to relax and just think about me for one night and not have to do house stuff and take care of the dogs. I am looking forward to a good day today. The weather is supposed to be changeable as western washington frequently is but I am going to breakfast at my parents and I discovered a real nice place to go and take a walk so thats on tap for after breakfast and then I think I am going to curl up on the couch with some netflix while the rest of the nation watches the superbowl. :happy:

    Naceto I am happy to hear you are getting back on track after hte incident at home and your school. It is scary when that kind of stuff happens in our lives.

    So far for my groundhog challenge I have moved everyday. I did leslie sanson on the 1st and went shopping for just over 3 hours yesterday with my mom and today will be my waterfont walk. So far so good :bigsmile:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Sunday Share:
    I grew up in Chicago with 2 sisters--one older and one younger. My younger sis is the one with the baby. Some of you may remember my older sis lost her estranged husband just over a year ago. She is living with my parents (still) and is doing okay emotionally after that whirlwind. Several years ago she had surgery to remove a fibrous cyst on her uterus. Well, she just found out there's another and there's a cluster on one of her ovaries. Thursday she had to have blood drawn for an ovarian cancer screen. Doctor thinks it's unlikely--since she's prone to the fibroids--but it's still worrisome until she gets the results tuesday. Regardless of those results, she'll need to have another surgery to remove all of the cysts. This sucks in so many ways, not the least of which she has no medical insurance. She was just getting to the point where she was looking for a place of her own. Now she will have massive medical bills (the blood test alone costs $750 :noway: ) plus several weeks of no income while she recovers. I wish there was something I could do to help out financially, but we pretty much live paycheck to paycheck. I guess the one good thing is that she didn't move out of my parents' already--she found a place in November, but backed out at the last minute b/c she saw the apt. needed way too much work.

    Kind of a bummer share--sorry about that.
  • jumpy983
    @skinny i understand now lol i thought you were using it on him...weird day to talk about sprays tho, my friend was just showing me yesterday about an air can that she uses called "dog corrector" it just releases a very LOUD rush of air (not to be pointed at the dog) to startle them. She tried it with Dirk and he just was like uuuuuuuuuuuuh no. LOL Any who, LOVED the pic of Gunner. He certainly is stunning. I love watching Ceaser, but tend to be more of a Vic Stillwell/Karen Pryor fan. We do lots of food motivated stuff here (mostly because my guys are all pigs lol) I love clicker training too.

    Anywho, found myself on here again. It's crazy that now I have all this free time when hubby and the girls are away. I got my closet cleaned and organized, laundry is going and most has been put away, and dishes are going and the stove is cleaning itself! Gotta love the house that is *sorta mostly* self cleaning. Now if the dogs would give themselves a bath, I'd be all set!

    :drinker: Water tag!! Next 3 grab some H2O!
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member

    HELEN – if you ever have a minute to elaborate on the synthroid issue I’d appreciate it. I take synthroid and no one told me to watch the fiber. I’ve been eating well over 40 g a day for months with no apparent problem. On another board someone posted that they are not permitted to eat raw veg like kale because they take synthroid. But no matter what I'm doing right or wrong, I’m stable on this dose---it’s been years and years and more years since blood work indicated any change. (And I have no thyroid at all, it was entirely surgically removed.)


    It's in the insert we get with our synthroid. Soy, fiber, calcium, and iron can interfere with absorption of the medication. I still have calcium in my diet, I just take it after about four hours. The same will have to be true of the iron. The thing is, I have been having trouble (though my doctor says it's the low iron, and that my thyroid meds are doing it's job fine...) so I hate to mess things up even more. I will be working on taking in more fiber in the evening, though. Until I get an appointment with the endocrinologist, I intend to cooperate with the iron and assume my doctor is correct on this point. I still fully intend to avoid soy, though! (It can't always be helped, but I try!)

    I'm also going to make an appointment with the gyno. I have a hard time understanding how a woman my size could POSSIBLY be low on iron, and google has suggested that sometimes internal bleeding isn't noticeable accept in low iron. I had TERRIBLE bleeding (outward) in the past (sorry for tmi fellows) and am thinking that following up with the gyno is a good idea. Worst thing that can come of it is my yearly pap smear, right? I think my new year's resolution was to look after my own best interests this year. (Something like that... this is February... I'm expected to remember what I said in January :laugh: ) and taking care of this issue falls into that! :smile:
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Sunday Share:
    I grew up in Chicago with 2 sisters--one older and one younger. My younger sis is the one with the baby. Some of you may remember my older sis lost her estranged husband just over a year ago. She is living with my parents (still) and is doing okay emotionally after that whirlwind. Several years ago she had surgery to remove a fibrous cyst on her uterus. Well, she just found out there's another and there's a cluster on one of her ovaries. Thursday she had to have blood drawn for an ovarian cancer screen. Doctor thinks it's unlikely--since she's prone to the fibroids--but it's still worrisome until she gets the results tuesday. Regardless of those results, she'll need to have another surgery to remove all of the cysts. This sucks in so many ways, not the least of which she has no medical insurance. She was just getting to the point where she was looking for a place of her own. Now she will have massive medical bills (the blood test alone costs $750 :noway: ) plus several weeks of no income while she recovers. I wish there was something I could do to help out financially, but we pretty much live paycheck to paycheck. I guess the one good thing is that she didn't move out of my parents' already--she found a place in November, but backed out at the last minute b/c she saw the apt. needed way too much work.

    Kind of a bummer share--sorry about that.

    I'm sorry your sister is going through all that, and the pain that causes you. Thank you for sharing that with us, though.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Saturday Success- I ate a protein filled breakfast before going to teach Religious Ed and I did NOT eat any of the donuts or coffee cake offered! I did eat a plate of fruit for a snack when class was over and I was hanging out with other teachers. (I had too many chips with lunch later, but hey, it added fiber! :happy: JK)

    Sunday Share- It been a tough week. Friday would have been my dad's eightieth birthday. Tuesday will be the third anniversary of my mother's death. I know it'll sound odd (and very selfish), but I'm glad that she went around the same time as his birthday. I'll get the sadness out of my system at one time, and can move on the next week. Knowing mom, I think she is glad she went the same week too...
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    jumpy- loved the pic of the girls and the laundry.....i remember those days. I used to throw the clean laundry on the couch for my husband ( at the time) to fold....that was his only 'job' ....when it reached the size of a mountain i would just sit on top of it....

    got invited out for dinner last night with my brother and sister and their spouses....did not have any money for dinner so i said i would join them for dessert....they were not happy....too bad....also, i knew if i went out to eat i would have a larger than normal meal as well as having a dessert for a treat and did not want to undo the hard work i have done this week. Once i eat like that i cannot seem to stop for the night as i figure that i have blown it and may as well keep going. I had looked up the caloric count for the desserts and was stunned to find that the apple crisp was 800 calories and the cheesecake was 1030!!!! i decided on a small bowl of gelato instead with a cup of tea. Was still a nice treat and managed to feel in control so when i came home i did not eat anything.....whew
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My Sunday share is that I live with bunch of football nuts! DH has been a 49ers fan since long before I met him. His loyalty never waivers, regardless of what kind of a season they are having. Needless to say, he is excited today. The Super Bowl has been going the same number of years as we have been married. I have learned to enjoy it, too, out of self-preservation I think. The kids have planned a big Super Bowl Party. Dad's loyalty to the 49ers has rubbed off on the family. There'll be 17 here this evening for the party. I love my big family, 7 children with spouses, and almost 14 grandchildren, but it always makes for a big party! I haven't quite decided how I will handle the food. I'm going to be pretty lenient with myself, but try not to go crazy.
    Today the scale showed me down 4#. That is the rest of the weight I gained on the UT trip, plus 2 more. At church today, a lot of people commented on how good I am looking. That was really neat because up until now, hardly anyone has said anything. One friend even asked me how to find My Fitness Pal. Of course, I figure if they were kind enough not to comment when I gained a bunch of weight, I can forgive them for not commenting about the loss.
    I love the picture of the kids on the laundry. I can really relate to that. Not any more, but needless to say, laundry was always a major issue when all the kids were little. Gunner is a good-looking dog. I asked DH to take a picture of me after church so I would have a new picture for here, but they all turned out looking like driver's license photos. My daughter takes good pictures. I'll see if she can help me this afternoon.
    Enjoy your day. Kaye
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Skinny, sorry about your sister. I am very close to my sisters, too. I know it really hurts to see her suffering physically and financially. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye & helen--thanks for the kind words about my sister's situation. :flowerforyou:

    @helen--I hope you get all of your medical issues sorted out. It stinks when something is wrong and there's no clear reason why. I was wondering--have you thought about printing out your food diaries to share with your doctor? You can print the actual diary from the food diary page, or you can use the reports tab to print it for calories, net calories, iron, etc. Great job on avoiding the cakes at church! Sorry about the tough week--I don't think it's odd or selfish that you feel that way; I think most people would feel the same way, and you're right, your mom would probably be glad as well. :flowerforyou:

    @kaye--sounds like a fun party at your house tonight! My DH and I both enjoy football, but with no clear team to root for tonight. I'm a Bears first, Packers second kind of girl--as opposed to most Bears fans who hate the Packers. I'm just wierd that way. Dh has to work until about 6, so I'm going to a friend's party--may leave at halftime to come home and watch the end with him (and to avoid the snow in our forcast). It's nice when people start commenting on how good you are looking--I think sometimes they hesitate until they are sure the weight loss is intentional (as opposed to a person losing due to illness or something).

    @karenleona--wow, such great self-control and choices joining your family for dessert! Congrats! :drinker:

    @jumpy--yeah, gunner was clicker trained as well, but (as with all of his training) it only worked without other dogs as distractors. Same thing with food. He will do anything for a treat if there aren't other dogs around, but I could be holding up a hunk of prime beef at the dog park and nothing. In fact, I once tried to take a baggie of hot dog bits to the dog park to try to train him to listen in the presence of other dogs. The result was that every other dog in the park flocked to me, and gunner completely ignored me--just kept playing with the other dogs. :ohwell:

    @jumpy & kaye--thanks for the compliments about gunner--he really is a beautiful dog! I feel like I can say that b/c it's not like I had anything to do with his looks. :laugh: Seriously though, sometimes, when I'm walking him, people will stop in their cars, roll down the window, and say "what a good looking dog" or "he's beautiful--what kind is he?" like he's some kind of show dog instead of a rescue mutt. Oh, and gunner KNOWS he's handsome--he's kind of a diva the way he struts around. :laugh:

    I've been procrastinating here at starbucks, but it's time to get busy grading. :frown:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

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    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Well, I finished the America poems and journals, but I really wanted to make a dent in the junior research paper plans. Since I have to leave in about 10 minutes to go to my Superbowl party, it dousn't look like that will be happening. :frown:

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--run outside (60+ degrees!!) RAINING so I went to the gym (bicycle + treadmill) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + core CLEANED INSTEAD
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE (way too cold)
    Fri--rest day DID CORE WORK
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym (long run) DONE + shoveled snow DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT HAPPENING :blushing:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 56/56 America poems/journals DONE
    2. 3/3 annotate student sample papers DONE
    3. x/56 JRP plans
    4. x/16 Preposition quizzes

    February Challenge: 1/28 days of minimum 80 grams of protein
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I'm enjoying the Sunday shares so much. As I was sitting alone today I realized how many times I have started my life over. Right now I am only 8 months into living in my condo - I'd been renting for 5 years. Its simple as condo's go but I'm happy to be an owner again after my divorce. Now my life is spent in my condo from Sunday afternoon til Friday morning, then I spend Friday thru Sunday at my best friend/boyfriends house. I sort of feel like a carpet -bagger, shuttling back and forth all the time. But I am so happy as a home-owner I woudn't have it any way. I do envy all of you with pets, that's one luxury I can't have any more, but I can reflect back on the love of dogs and cats I have had - it was a beautiful thing, those relationships. I so enjoy reading about your pets and their hijinks!
    Helen, I sympathize with you the lose of your parents friendship. The closeness with parents is something I missed out on having lost mine at an early age, so I also envy you.
    Gunner - your a good boy!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I went Jean shopping again today and still did not buy any but have decided that my Feb. goal will be to fit comfortably into the 16 curvy/ relaxed fit. There was not much difference between the 16 and 18's. It was fun but trying experience. I did try on a pair of 14 Alfred Dunner pants and they fit, i decided I did not need them right now.

    Positive note- I went to the gym and had a nice walk then went out to lunch with a friend. Had a nice salad at Potbelly's. Tonight I will most likely over indulge in a few treats since tomorrow I start my weight loss challenge with my trainer. I just hope I feel up to it completely. Sinus infection really needs to disappear for good.

    The weather in MD has been just as crazy with changing from minute to minute. Today we had snow showers along with sun. It might get a little warmer this week but that means the 40's. If our groundhog is right Pauxtaney Phil- then we are also expecting an early spring.

    Super Bowl- team Go Ravens- They are my other hometown team.