

  • Good luck! I hope you reach your goal for your wedding. Zumba and dancing sound like fun. I have been trying to do workout videos for a while. I still have a ways to go to reach my goal.
  • Congratulations on your wedding!! I was able to lose about 17 lbs in about two months, and my pants are getting too big for me, and the only thing I really changed was that I replaced soda and juice with water, and I cut out a lot of sweets (I have always had a crazy sweet tooth) to no more than one a day. I don't know if…
  • Hi, I am new too. I am 6 feet tall, 34 years old, and I have 5 kids. My 5th is going on 6 weeks old, so I haven't really been exercising yet. My weight is dropping off slower after each pregnancy and this time I have been stuck at 200 for about three weeks which is very frustrating to me. My goal is 150. My big weakness is…
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