

  • Hello Lucybarnes982! I'm not sitting most of the day not doing anything,so I don't think I should set it @ "Sedentary". I do exercise most of the time and I do @ least an hour,10 min. of jump rope @ a slow pace and 50 min. on the elliptical trainer,so therefore I set it as "ACTIVE". When I am not doing any of those things…
  • Hello NXD10! I got 1 question for U? When U had told me about how MFP isn't reliable on updating or recalculating the number of calories and when U told me where to go as far as putting N my current weight will it recalculate and decrease the number of calories do U know? I am 31 and I would like to get to 155 or 156,but…
  • Hello NDX10! May I ask should I set it @ sedentary when knowing that I'm not sitting most of the day? I do exercise during the afternoons most of the time & I try to do that through out the week. I try to do an hour of exercise,10 min. of jump rope @ a slow pace and 50 min. on the elliptical trainer. I do log those N which…
  • Hello EmilyMcD84! If U eat 5-6 time a day R U not completing your food diary and intaking the number of calories each day? If I were to eat breakfast,lunch and dinner and have snack in between those meals that would be five like U said and if I were to have desert then that would be six,so with me doing it that way am I…
  • Hello EmilyMcD84! If I need to switch it up a bit,what is it that I need to switch up? I still do the elliptical trainer everyday for 50 min. @ the max. & now not too long ago or maybe few days ago I started doing jump rope @ a slow pace for 10 min. @ the max. since I'm not really in a good shape to do more than 10 min. .…
  • Thanks people for your reply back! The main reason that I asked is because most of the time I keep forgetting to click on "COMPLETE ENTRY" button after completing the food diary for the day.