Msgrainger Member


  • I'm just eating healthily too, no specific diet/regime, just watching the calories (1800 a day to allow for breastfeeding) and cutting back on the huge comfort eating sessions. I have a tendency to hit the cake when I'm exhausted, and have had as many as 3 coffee shop visits, with cake, on particularly bad days. I have no…
  • How's everyone doing today? I'm just about staying on the straight and narrow despite terrible sleep from my 18 week old and a 'lively' toddler who hasn't let up all day. Supper is roast butternut squash, brown rice, halloumi and sunflower seeds. Hoping it'll fill me up so I can cope with the endless night feeds.
  • Can I join? Youngest daughter is 18 weeks old and I have a stone to lose, to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Which was 6lb higher than my weight after baby #1 was born. I'm finding it so much harder to be healthy second time around. Toddler snacks lying around everywhere, finishing her leftovers, eating rubbish for…
  • Feel free to add me! I'm a massive cheater and keep finishing my daughter's scraps without logging the calories - happy to help motivate a fellow Brit :)
  • Hi, hope it's ok to join this late in the month! I don't have a lot to lose: SW 120lb CW 120lb GW 114lbs But I am having real trouble shifting it! I used to run 20+ miles per week and although I'm still managing 10, and cycling everywhere, I am snacking way too much and comfort eating to cope with work stress! I was a…