Rarity2013 Member


  • Yes, this is amazingly frustrating. If you consider 25g to be the "portion size" why have a 50g bag? That's not even the kind of bag you would buy to share.
  • Ugh. I wish my husband kept the pictures on his PC more organised, and then I could post a picture of my baby! Our cat has just turned three years old. She came to us because my husband's nephew asked in passing whether we wanted one of his friend's kittens, and despite being a dog person, my husband said yes. The chavs…
  • Not to criticise peoples' choices or anything, but this is a massive problem. I bring it up because one thing I always notice about kids menus is that they are are beyond crap- so few options. I was (and in fairness, still am) an incredibly fussy and faddy eater, and God knows if you had presented me as a child with a…
  • It works for some people. Some people who perhaps gained weight by being all-day grazers get on with it because it's similar to their bad habits, but more controlled. Some people find it helps control cravings because they're eating more often, which can be partially down to blood sugar levels, and partially down to…
  • Holy hell... let me have a figure like this someday.... Gorgeousness personified....
  • I met my husband through online gaming. We were friends for a while through the game and he invited me to a public event with some other friends. One thing eventually led to another- nothing we ever said to each other online turned out to be false. You have to be extremely careful with online interactions, but it's also…
  • I generally find it quite easy to keep to my calorie limit because I'm not a big eater (for the most part- my downfall is usually alcohol!) But, that said, I sometimes have days where I am just hungry. I usually don't snack at all, but on those hungry days, I just want to spend all day eating- it can be healthy, it can be…
  • I really wanted to wish you the best of luck. So many people will say the cold turkey doesn't work for any kind of addiction etc. etc, but for some people, it just works- a nice, clean cut decision and stopping point. I was very fortunate that, like my mother, I didn't have a real addiction to cigarettes, even though I…
  • I think weight lifting is like anything- you can always take it to an extreme where you will be bulky, but if there's one thing this thread is proving, it's that that "toned" look everyone claims to want, both before and after, hitting their goal weight is found in heavy lifting land. I can't afford either a gym membership…
  • You have said that you have started to go several days without showering and have stopped cleaning. What flags this for me is that those are common symptoms of depression. I understand your concerns about the costs involved with seeing a doctor or therapist, but what you describe could be the start of something much more…
  • That story made me gag. I am terrified of worms. My husband tells this great story about his student days, when he went for a doner kebab after a heavy day of drinking, and as the guys in the takeaway were shaving the meat off the spit, the side fell off the slab of meat and a few hundred maggots fell out all over the…
  • Oh my God, yes, this annoys me so much too! I used to date a vegetarian back in the day, who claimed they didn't eat meat or fish because they didn't like the flavour. Yet he would eat meat flavoured foods, items flavoured with meat, and had a diet that practically counted Haribo as a food group... and he had the most…
  • You have just made my day XD
  • Anyone who loves mlp is awesome in my book. You will do well here XD Consider yourself added :)
    in I'm new! Comment by Rarity2013 July 2013
  • Hi Jade. I struggle with the whole exercise thing too. The forums have great motivational sections where you can see people's real life success stories and pictures.
    in I'm new! Comment by Rarity2013 July 2013
  • The only veggies I don't count are when I have a side salad. I like to set up most of my meals as recipes and log them that way, but my salads are usually made up of whatever is left in the fridge- there's no set recipe and it can have any old crap in it. I can't be arsed logging 20g of peppers or 5g of fresh chillis when…
  • Thank you so much for posting this. I've just restarted 30DS (I quit last time as I went away) and as always, it's so hard to motivate myself to do it. You look amazing in your pics- thanks for the encouragement!
  • My husband is 11 years my senior- I was 21 and he was 32 when we got together, although we had been friends for some time before that. A 5 year gap would mean you were attending the same school in a lot of places. Like most people have said, there's a certain something to do with levels of propriety with this sort of thing…
  • I personally could not face dieting without a couple of beers or glasses of wine throughout the course of the week. I might want to die slim one day (far in the future) but I don't want to live miserable just to get there. I find drinking real ale is a much better choice- the ABV% is higher, but I find that makes me feel…
  • My guess would be that the tuna was soaked in oil. The other types of toppings you mentioned on the other pizzas wouldn't have that addition.
  • Looking good! Shame you've shrunk out of that awesome Download t-shirt though ;)
  • Back to it after my 2-day weekend rest. I really was close to giving up today, but I thought about this group, and it really pushed me forward. Thanks all- I dedicate my Day 6 Level 1 to you :drinker:
  • Day 5 Level 1 complete- I'm already really impressed with the improvements I've made. The way the programme is put together seems to really show you how you get a little better each time. I'm starting to find the cardio easier, although jump rope still makes me very unhappy. I also woke up this morning without any aches or…
  • Yay! Day 5 Level 1 complete! Now for my nice, restful weekend!
  • I frequently do, because I do other stuff in the evenings. I now have a huge number of my personal favourite recipes saved, and it makes it really easy to pre-log once my husband and I have decided what we want for dinner. Then I can weigh up what, if any treats I'm allowed after dinner from what I have left. I do make…
  • I've been torturing myself with 30 Day Shred, and even though it's the first formal cardio I've done in close to 10 years, I've been amazed by how quickly I've adapted. I'm on my 4th day, and have found a lot of the post-workout pains are improving every day. They also seem to go once I start exercising again.
  • So, after 2 cups of coffee, opening the mail, reorganising my craft supplies, killing time on the MFP forums, checking my emails, checking Facebook, texting my husband and watching 5 episodes of Zero Punctuation, I ran out of excuses and just completed Day 3 Level 1. The first few rounds of cardio were still hellish, but…
  • I'm currently "enjoying" the misery of 30DS. I was struggling to even summon up the motivation to do Day 3 until I saw these pictures. Thank you :flowerforyou: