Rarity2013 Member


  • Breakfast suits a lot of people. I am not one of them. I find the act of eating breakfast is more likely to make me overeat during the day than anything else I can do to my body- its almost like setting a precedent to start ramming my face with unnecessary calories when I'm not even hungry. I generally only eat it if I am…
  • I'm a shade shorter than you at 5' 7", I weigh 185lbs and I wear a UK size 14 from most shops. It does depend a little on how your weight is distributed- mine is pretty even.
  • What an inspiring lesson to everyone who focuses too hard on weight, and not how they look/feel. You look incredible- amazing work.
  • Le Bump. I'm sat miles away from the screen and am too tired to read it right now.
  • I feel honour-bound to link to this website. http://thisiswhyyourefat.com/ It was here that I learned about the affectionately-termed "Luther Vandross Burger" (like the cronut burger, but with normal donuts) and many other terrifying things...
  • BeFit is pretty good, although if it's a programme with progressing levels of difficulty, they tend to only upload the first level (this is true of things like Jillian Michaels videos). Still, there's plenty on there to keep you occupied for free :)
  • If you play around with the recipe creator, you'll soon find that many of the ingredients that do vary (like vegetables) make very little impact in general. I enter all my recipes on the the recipe creator, although I do tend to over-estimate a little. For example, I made some pies over the weekend. I measured the amount…
  • I felt a bit like this today. I have been working hard at diet and exercise for the past few months (not necessarily with mind boggling success, but I do look and feel better). My husband is quite overweight and unfit which he talks about constantly. He eats the same healthy dinners as me, but I prefer to exercise alone, I…
  • I just wanted to say that this is possibly the best and most realistic piece of information I have read here.
  • Similarly, I logged 2 bottles of red wine under "Snacks" a couple of weeks ago :) People do log some weird exercise. I don't mind people logging housework now and then, because I assume they're logging something beyond what they normally do (like for example, the person who did their mum's hoard). There is one person I…
  • My Little Pony FIM is full of nerd humour. My husband doesn't like to actively "watch" it, because it might diminish his masculinity (lol) but even he laughs when the Mysterious Mare Do Well (a superhero) makes an appearance to an eerily reminiscent tune for the average Batman fan :) Plus John De Lancie plays one of the…
  • I don't have children, but I do look after a home and have worked two jobs with back to back shifts. It's true I didn't want to come in and stand up on a hard tile floor for 30 minutes, but I enjoyed coming in and winding down while making something delicious, almost like a reward at the end of the day. On my late nights,…
  • I've been eating apple slices with chocolate topping as a dessert- you can make a batch and store in the fridge for a good few days. Just don't forget to coat the apple slices with a little lemon juice.
  • I think you should print out your comments here and take them to your doctor for a frank discussion about how you're feeling right now. I really don't think this is just about your weight or health.
  • I agree with this. I think a lot of the "keeping healthy food cheap" thing revolves around the ability, and more importantly, willingness to cook, than anything else. I cook from scratch most days and we don't necessarily scrimp on the products we buy (for example, I won't buy the super cheap canned tuna because I don't…
  • I tracked my habits before I started really trying to lose weight. I found the breakfast (which I frequently forced myself to have) did me no favours, so I stopped. I maybe have about 50 calories in semi-skimmed milk in my coffee :)
  • Sodium and calories aren't really related in anything other than both being frequently higher in processed foods. I think it appears on the list mainly because it's a cause of concern for a lot of people. I was advised by my doctor that I needed to keep my blood pressure under a very tight rein, and the best way to do that…
    in Sodium Comment by Rarity2013 August 2013
  • I was 22.5% out, and a perfect, if large, hourglass... Edited to say: No, you don't have too much confidence. It means we should all aspire to be as objective as you.
  • I used to play Everquest 2, before the community went to the dogs, and SWG before it was shut down. I have a subscription to SWTOR, but I've lost patience with it, since again, the community is in dire need of smacktard fumigation and the relentless grind of PVP and Black Hole missions is enough to test the patience of…
    in Gamers? Comment by Rarity2013 July 2013
  • It's leetspeak. It used to be used by hackers so that their online conversations didn't flag up with the authorities, but it's too widely recognised now.
  • I'm a UK 36FF, and I wear a Shock Absorber bra (the one that used to be plugged by Anna Kournikova). It was a bit pricey, but compared to the cheaper ones I've tried, it's like a Ferrari Enzo versus a pushbike. I find it's good for jumping along with Jillian, and flattens me out a bit for martial arts. Don't forget to make…
  • I don't even bother on weekends- I eat, drink and am merry and would be damn well miserable if I didn't. What I try to do instead is limit my greed, and over the months, I've done this in small increments. I used to think absolutely nothing of drinking a bottle of wine a day over Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and I would…
  • With regards to exercising at home and being short for space, I really can't recommend Jillian Michaels' 30day Shred highly enough. My house is relatively small and filled with crap, so space is a real premium, but you can do this programme in just a few square feet as it consists of lots of static lunges and jumping on…
  • I think this is the inherent danger in the statement "eat back your exercise calories". It turns the calorie burn into a voucher to eat what you're craving and some people will always abuse that. The theory of eating back exercise calories is based on refuelling the body, not being a get out of jail free card.
  • I drink whatever I like as long as it doesn't break my calorie budget- it's just important to remember that drinks still need to be counted. A typical day for me is 2-4 cups of coffee with semi skimmed milk (morning and evening), water throughout the day, 1-2 glasses of diet cola or a beer with or around my evening meal.
  • Actually the thing that shocks me most about these threads is that no one on MFP ever posts a copy of the Butthurt Report Form.
  • Whatever you like. Generally wine is lower calorie, and red wine in particular actually has some good nutritional value.
  • Indeed.... take nose plugs....
  • If you need around an extra 200 calories a day, you could have a nice glass of fruit juice. Or you could eat another couple of pieces of fruit. I do know how difficult it can be to hit your calories limit- I'm not big on snacking, so if my meals happen to be particularly low calorie, I can sail in well under limit without…