

  • Well, I didn't do so great this week. LOTS of stuff going on. :( Last weigh in was 165.5 This Weigh in is 166.4 :(
  • now to figure out what to do for all of the our nieces and nephews....I'm thinking of doing the magnetic letters in their favorite colors and getting their favorite interests to make magnets for them. I think if I were a kid that it would be a great idea, always being able to change it out, add or take away magnets, and…
  • Since I had to quit my job and we moved to NC, we are broke. So this year we are making all of our gifts. I am making Magnetic Monogrammed Door Hangings for the ladies back home. Each holiday, they just change out the magnets. Right now I have little felt reindeer, Christmas stocking, snowflake, peppermint candy. Richard…
  • If I would have weighed in on time last week, I prob wouldn't have lost anything. You're doing a great job! Don't get discouraged! Keep up the good work!
  • Grew up in Grand Prairie. Lived in the great city of Fort Worth! Had to move to Havelock, NC due to my husbands military career but we'll be back home in FW sooner or later!
  • Well, here is my check in! 10/28 - 167 11/7 - 165.5 My husband and I started insanity today....I'm excited, scared, embarrassed, etc. but we're going to do it! Our Marine Ball is in 36 days! Really wish I had a calorie counter so I could track my workouts on MFP. Haven't been tracking them this week because I'm not exactly…
  • I missed the weigh in but I am Vanessa. I am from DFW, TX but currently reside in Havleock, NC. My weight is a constant battle. I am pushing 30 and that isn't helping either :) I am determined and I am glad to be a part of this challenge! Thank you for adding me! SW - 174 CW - 167 TDayW - 160 GW - 130
  • I always had whiskey and diet coke. Now that am not much of a whiskey fan anymore, Vodka Water with a lemon, or even diet 7 up. My friend back home has gotten a lot of advice to help her lose weight and they told her stick with clear liquids. White wine, vodka, gin, rum, etc. Good luck! The weekend are always where I slip.…
  • How are yall getting these timelines that show your progress? I've looked all over the app and can't find it