lexiesmom78 Member


  • Sorry I have nothing positive to say about the Depo shot I had a total of 3 shots. It almost killed me. It damaged my gallbladder which eventually died. Stomach lining shredded. I was so sick for such a long time. I lost alot of hair. It thin now. It caused serious hormone problems I threw up constantly but gained weight…
  • I like to make a pot of chilli. You can even freeze portions. A carton of eggs and fruit on sale. Remember you can always go to a food pantry. Everyone struggles here or there. I am a single mother and when I had to repair my suv and I went. It saved my butt. That's why they are there.
    in $20 Comment by lexiesmom78 April 2013
  • Thank you!
  • Central Florida 10 minutes from Disneyworld. And too hot!