

  • I was wondering if anyone out there have any idea about how long it should take before I start to notice a change - weight loss or looser fitting clothes - from my cardio workouts. I've been working out for about 3.5 weeks (less a few days last week) burning anywhere from 250-460 calories 5 days a week. Though I know the…
  • According to a fitness instructor - that is a myth. As long as you are within a given range (whether fat burning or cardio) you are burning fat. He says he believes it was just a "selling" tactic. You will burn more fat in the cardio zone (higher target heart rate) than in the fat burning zone. You basically don't want to…
  • If you use regular salt, you can replace it with Morton's Lite Salt which has less sodium and more potassium and it tastes the same. Also, bananas :)
  • I don't like seafood either and I can't have eggs so I often find it difficult to get in my proteins. I often use 1% Milkfat Cottage Cheese or Skippy's Reduced Fat Peanut Butter. Not only do these help with getting in protein but the peanut butter tends to help sway my sweet cravings and the cottage cheese helps with the…