kdavis74 Member


  • Great story! Thank you for sharing. My husband is the same, but opposite. He is seeing me tracking and working out and has gotten motivated to cut the portion size and eat what I cook for him. Working well so far, he is down about 10 lbs since I started back over a week ago.
  • Kashi Go Lean has 10 fiber to 6g sugar. Not bad.
  • Vitatop Muffin tops, 100calories and they have several flavors. I also purchased Kashi Go Lean (140 for 1 cup) and almond milk (40 cal).
  • The calories burned during a kettlebell workout are comparable to a trained runner running a six-minute mile, according to the American Council on Exercise. A carefully planned 20-minute kettlebell workout burned 272 calories in a study commissioned by ACE. Read more:…
  • That is a great post! I felt the same and noticed a change after only two weeks on the plan, my hunger levels changed and my thought process was different. It is great to know that using this system as a type of diary for what we eat and being held accountable for what goes in our mouth is working! Thank you so much for…
  • I suggest to follow the 1700 a day and when your body adjusts to the 1700 and your exercise increases to allow more calories you can change the system to what you want.
  • I say have what you want, if you don't the cheat will set in and you will blow you calories another day. You must allow yourself the treats for doing so good!
  • I weigh every Monday Morning - Not the best day as some cheat over the weekend, but right when I wake up.
  • I enjoy a relaxing type of Yoga after the kids go to bed. You burn calories, de-stress and breath. The relaxation part is the best and then I can go to bed easier too!
  • Don't really have an answer but I did a comparison on Coffee Mate Creamer and the Sugar Free had less calories than the Fat Free. I have been using the Sugar Free!
  • I am new...about 10 days too! Loving this site and the great support!:smile: javascript:add_smiley('smile','post_body')