

  • I think rowing would put too much strain on my legs. I may need to just stick with light jogging for now, as it has a pretty limited range of motion on my legs. Thanks for the suggestion, though! I do want to get more into rowing in the future.
  • If you can't exercise, just try to add more walking into your life. Park your car in the furthest spot when you go out shopping, take walks in the morning, at lunch, and after work. If you can do that, you'll be burning extra calories. The rest is up to our vigorously you enter your meals on MFP. Account for everything. If…
  • I do a Fage 0% Total yogurt with 1/4 cup of Grape-Nuts. Then, if I'm still hungry, either dried figs, an apple, a banana, or some clementines. I also love plain oatmeal (I have raisins to throw in it if I want, but honestly it tastes great plain.)
  • This week, I've been bringing in 1 avocado and 1/2 a large sweet potato for lunch - extremely tasty and filling. For snacks, my go-to's are whole natural almonds, baby carrots, dried figs, and clementines. I'm a big fan, too, of making an avocado sandwich with a slice of cheese and some mustard -- very tasty! When I'm not…