

  • Thanks for all the good advice, I think that it was not drinking enough and its time to start some serious exercise to keep the metabolism going. I am now off my plateau and steadily losing between 1 - 2lbs a week although I have the odd static week. This is a hard road we are all on and the support on here is ace and…
    in Plateaus! Comment by cpayne56 July 2013
  • Tee Hee - Very funny! :-)
    in Plateaus! Comment by cpayne56 June 2013
  • Thanks - keeping positive is the main thing. Now I seem to know the rhythm it doesn't bother me so much.
    in Plateaus! Comment by cpayne56 June 2013
  • The other thing to note is that if you are exercising you can appear to be on a weight plateau but actually your body will be changing. Developing muscle adds weight but tightens you up, so you can weigh the same but still be losing inches. The scale isn't everything and not the only measure you should use. Keep with it,…
  • I so wish I could do that - unfortunately my gallstones disagree to the extent that if I eat any fat at all I am in intense pain. So if I do have a cake or piece of chocolate - it will hurt me a lot - doesn't mean I don't want to though. I am also diabetic so sugar is not good for me at all and as I don't want to go down…
  • Thanks Kathy - glad to know its not just me!
  • Its so difficult to change our mental attitude to food as fuel rather than as a comfort blanket but that is the only way to beat this. I made a very hard decision when I started this to throw away everything that was not nutritional or that was fattening. Throwing away food goes against everything I am, I hate waste and…
  • Same here - although I am getting less frumpy as I get slimmer. Still Fat and Fifty though (52 actually) Good luck XxX
  • Good luck with the bike - my bum is still too big for a bike without me feeling embarrassed about it. So I am hitting the weights and the gym to try to tone up as I lose weight. Not very interesting I know but it will be a first for me. Done well so far without exercise but now I feel I can do some without feeling I am…