ladymnlite Member


  • I've often wondered the same thing because I work a late shift. By the time I get home, it is close to midnight and I'm hungry. Now, I won't feel so bad about having my snack before bed. I always do my best to burn off extra calories so that I stay within my limits.
  • I've been watching my calories and have been trying to do Zumba at least once a day. So far, so good. I'm a little sore and not very motivated today so I'll probably try to squeeze in a walking workout during my break at work tonight. Thanks for popping in! :) It's nice to meet you.
  • I may be one of the droids you are looking for.... I'm a Star Wars fan and I've watched Firefly though I was more into BTVS at that time. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • Thank you all for posting. I knew I couldn't be alone in this :) Sometimes it seems so difficult and other times things do flow well. One day I'll put on my Zumba game and start exercising and my son just dances along with me... other days I put on my Zumba game and he strips and streaks through my house - so exercise then…
  • Great job getting to where you are today. You are an inspiration :)
  • I just got started here a week ago so I still have cravings for things that aren't so good for me. I try to eat healthy pretty much all day but at least once a day, I splurge on something that I'm craving. Most of the week, that has been a craving for chocolate. My best advice would be to give in to a craving at least once…
  • I want to look great in a swim suit when we go on vacation in September. :)
  • I'm not a runner but I know how it feels to lose the weight and gain it back again. This is my 4th time trying to get back to my goal weight and it's harder than ever this time because I had a baby two years ago. I lost the baby weight in 2 months without trying. Then I gained it back slowly. I'd love to have you as a…
  • 31 years old 4'11 SW: 138 lbs CW: 134 GW: 118 lbs I know I don't have a lot to lose, but I am finding it more difficult this time around (since the birth of my son 2 years ago). Any working moms out there want to be friends? I want to stay motivated this time, even after I lose the weight.
  • If you're gaining weight, you may be putting on muscle mass from the exercise... which would be a good thing because that muscle will burn more fat during the day. Did you just start exercising recently? Also, you may be overestimating how many calories you are burning while exercising. If that is the case then you eat…
  • Maybe just going to the back yard or park to play ball would get you moving with the 5 year-old. My son is 2 and he runs around non-stop. It's kind of cute actually... when I try to do Zumba with my wii game, he comes in and starts dancing with me. If you have a wii or an xbox, how about an exercise kind of "game." Any of…
  • I'm not huge on breakfast either because seasonal allergies make my stomach upset in the morning. You could try to have some snacks ready for a quick breakfast on the go. Maybe have some cubed cheese, nuts, or peel some hard-boiled eggs and put them in baggies in the fridge. Then you already have those things portioned out…
  • There are days when I strongly dislike exercise too, but now that I'm using MFP I've got a new way of looking at it. It's no longer "that thing I have to do." Now it's "those things (calories) I'd like to be able to eat" I think that's enough motivation for me! LOL It does help to find something you enjoy doing that…
  • Thanks for the encouragement. I'm finding that MFP has made me more aware of how many calories I was actually eating. I never knew that my "healthy" snack/ lunch of a peanut butter sandwich was part of my problem. Then I saw that it was a whopping 310 calories! Yes, I need the whole grain and the protein, but now I know…
  • I'm a shorty at 4'11" but I don't have too much to lose in the grand scheme of things (20lbs). I just seem to be having trouble getting started.