GGB808 Member


  • Hi Cindy, I know what you mean. You wake up and feel motivated but as soon as you open the fridge, you can't resist and loose your grip. There is no magic and if you want to loose weight you need to start looking at food in a different way but you also have to exercise seriously. Get a couch to 5k trading app and start to…
  • 1/4 Cantaloupe + 1 Kiwi + 1 date + cold pressed fresh mint, all smoothed up with lots of ice
  • Just saw your question, here are my two cents of common sense: Assuming my car needs 1 gal of gas to run 10 miles, will the car run the same amount of miles if I put 1 gal of water?
  • Hi there, I'm 44 and as of last week 220.5lbs. I never really followed any weight control diet except in a few occasion. Now I'm up for a challenge; changing my eating habits and getting on that bike everyday. Count me in!