Raze1977 Member


  • I had the same problem as you but with my friends. I just stopped saying why I won't do it, and they stopped raggin on me for not doing it.... I'm sure you noticed that if you didn't make the decision to lose weight on your own, no one could have forced you, so why should they be any different? You have to let them find…
  • I have 3 tattoos, one on either arm and 1 on my right calf... no piercings...
  • I think the point of the "pure Water" is for more of the calories content than hydration. Coffee, tea, and juice all have calories, and should be logged as that so you can keep an accurate calories count. That is not to say that you can log as water too... Also there is no empirical data saying that you should be drink 8…
  • Wow thatis Amazing...I am just starting my journey now...In April I weighed 270...and I'm on my way...Thank you for putting up your story, for a while I was worried that it wouldn't happen for me, now I know it truely can.....
  • Started 270, going for 170 anyone feel free to add.