

  • Your right! It's water not muscle. I couldn't put my finger on it! It's water retention not muscle. Sorry op if I confuse you.
  • Ah thats right!! water! lol totally forgot about that.
  • No, It is not foolish to have a workout partner or a trainer. I personally work out alone most of the time. The benefit to have someone work out with you is competition and spot. The competition between two partner will push each other. Your partner can spot you when you are attempting heavy weight or even just critiquing…
  • Hello! Good thing you didnt pay for advice! There are tons of advice that you can find online for free. I have a simple split routine. My routine is M- legs, T- chest, W- back, Th - Shoulder, F - legs and arms. I warm up with some stretches and light weight. I do cardio MWF and abs T,TH after the workout. I do legs twice…
  • I binge eat frequently lol. Sometimes I get the urge of eating something unhealthy, but it doesnt stop there. 2 weeks ago, I wanted pizza and ended up eating the whole box from costco lol. The best thing I have done to counter this is having pictures of the body I want in front of the fridge and areas that I will see it…
  • 5x5 is a great strength building routine! I do it year round! I use that for the big three lift. Gomad sounds interesting, but I personally would not do it.