Thoughts on 5x5 and gomad diet ??



  • myers0machine
    Sorry clearly not 8gallons that's silly gomad diet gallon of milk a day (that's 8pints of milk)and indeed I want to grow so more the better all in the question doll
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Listen doll, just because you eat more doesn't mean you'll grow more muscle with it. You can only put on so much muscle per month.

    So, do your TDEE calculations and if 8 pints of milk EXTRA on your normal diet would be an appropriate sized bulk, go for it. I can't imagine that a gallon of milk a day is one-size-fits-all appropriate. 1 cup of whole milk is 146 calories. 1 cup of nonfat is 86. 16 cups in a gallon. so somewhere between 1376 and 2336 extra calories per DAY, doll?

    Assuming that is basically ALL surplus calories, as in you eat what you maintain at already and are now adding 1376 (at least) calories per day to your diet, you're looking at roughly 10k extra calories a week. = 2.75 lbs of weight gain per week. If 'normal' gains are 2lbs/month, that means .5lbs/week of muscle and 2.25 lbs of fat gain.

    There you go doll. That's the math you needed to make a decision.
  • myers0machine
    Thanks sweetie mwah x
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    StrongLifts 5x5: Ultimate Strength & Muscle Building Program ...
    And go mad diet gallon(8pints)of milk a day

    What's your thoughts on the above?
    Have you done it results etc...
    Gomad claims that you can gain 25 lbs in month is that true is that going to be 24.5lbs of fat and 0.5 muscle

    I love Stronglifts 5x5 and also like milk. That being said I will never consume a gallon of milk in one day. I am in no hurry to gain a lot of weight (fat and muscle) quickly. I prefer to eat at a small surplus to gain weight slowly over time.

    That being said there may be some people who could benefit from a GOMAD type diet. Such as someone who needs to bulk up quickly to play football as an Offensive Lineman and has a very limited food budget (calories from milk are inexpensive).

    You can read more here:
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    just remember not to do it all at once ;


    haha funny pic
  • Frostgtr
    5x5 is a great strength building routine! I do it year round! I use that for the big three lift. Gomad sounds interesting, but I personally would not do it.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    starting strength recommends GOMAD and 5x5 is basically the same programme so i don't see why not. fit it in your macros/calories though.