danajacobs12 Member


  • Perhaps try to add only 100-200 calories if 300-500 is too much. Perhaps a piece of fruit or two in the afternoon.
  • Not everyone fits into the suggested norms. The numbers given are based on averages generated my health and nutrition research. There are always outliers. If you wanna try eating a bit more it probably wouldn't hurt you but as long as you listen to your body and how it is reacting to what you are doing to it. It is trial…
  • Well with your current program how much weight are you losing in a week. Much more than 1-2 lbs (idk what that is in kilograms) is questionable besides in the first few weeks. The most important questions though are; are you hungry? Do you feel energized? Do you feel healthy? If the answer is yes then your doing what is…
  • By the First of June I would like to be down 18 lbs. When my current boyfriend and I started seeing each other I was 135 and over the course of less than a year I gained 20 pounds putting me at my heaviest weight of 155. I have taken off 7 but need the extra motivation to take of the rest of it the right way! I can't wait…