I'm in exactly the same place. We can do it! Feel free to add me if you want some friends for the journey x
Thanks everyone! I think I've added everyone who has replied so far x
Thanks ladies! Both added. Just realised my post says kick in the kitten! I have no idea where that came from as that's not what I wrote but I kind of like it.
Hi Jess, I'm looking for friends too. Feel free to add me.
I'm the same as Kellygirl5538, once I start I don't stop so I try not to buy it. Something that's really helping me is to have a financial goal to work towards, I want to move to East Asia so when I buy food, I ask myself, do I need this and if I buy this, will it help me reach my goals? If the answers are no and no, then…
Yay! Lots of new friends. Thanks everyone x
Fasting is hard isn't it! I tried the 5:2 diet but the 500 days made me so anxious and emotional I decided it wasn't for me. Well done for continuing your commitment and I'm pleased to see your medical appointment went well.
Great start! Congratulations!
Looking good! Well done, awesome commitment.
Hi Everyone, thanks for getting back to me. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reply to all. After the first few requests I didn't expect many more and didn't check back. I was feeling pretty down and not very positive. I guess I need to learn to have more faith in people. <3
LOL! That is funny and well done you! BTW, also in the UK and yes, that is definitely a bit more 'adult' here.
Thanks guys! Friend requests sent x
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate all of your comments. Headphones might be possible if I'm careful when I use them. They are a bit of a contentious issue as we are a customer facing office. I also like the idea of chewing on straws and getting a stress ball. I can reduce my caffeine but I already sleep more than anyone…
Thank you all. I think you're right, I need to have a confidential chat with my manager. My colleague has just had a loud argument with her boyfriend on the phone and she seems eve worse with him. Trying the 2 year old voice does make it funnier.
Yep, totally abnormal. Can I play too?
Hi! Looks like you've had a lot of request already but if you can handle one more, count me in! I'm re-starting MFP after falling off the wagon. My target is about 1750 a day but I'm more concerned with the quality of food I'm eating. If I'm hungry and I want some fruit or something I'm not going to worry abut going over a…
OK, so first of all I had to google fleshlight. Sooo glad I did not do that at work! :laugh: And dishwasher?! Yuck! :sick: I'm definitely in the group that hates motorists who don't use their indicators. Today my pet peeve is stupid questions. My telephone conversation today went something like this: Customer: I ordered a…
This is an awesome idea /\
There is nothing I wouldn't do for my pets. I made the choice to buy them and keep them so it's my responsibility to keep them in good health. As the animals we keep aren't covered by insurance ( In the UK they mainly do cats, dogs and rabbits. Anything else is expensive) most of the owners I know keep a savings account…
I'm with you there! If I could have dairy, I'd definitely be having cheese and pickle but right now my favourites are: Peanut butter and Banana Coronation Chicken Fish finger
This is one of my favourites. Thai Chicken Salad:Serves 2 Half a Sweetheart (or other white cabbage head) raw and sliced into thin strips. 2 medium carrots raw sliced into thin strips 1 pepper raw sliced into strips 1 onion raw sliced into rings or half rings. 2 breasts of chicken, cubed and cooked 2 tablespoons of Nampla…
When he was first around in the UK I hated him, his comedy was not my style at all. Then he started talking and it's like he was on exactly the same page as me. He's now my favourite political spokesman.
I love these threads so much! Totally inspiring. My boyfriend bought me the Biggest loser XBox Kinnect game last week. I took it as an insult at the time. This thread makes me want to do it. Just one question: How long does it take to train for an Ironman competition? :bigsmile:
Self awareness is probably your first step then and I would say you need to stop at the point where your going to buy sweets/treats and ask yourself why. Use the writing tool at that point (even if you feel weird writing in the street, find a bench). I get it, I'm like you too. I wear a little trail in the carpet between…
My counsellor is CBT based and she gets me to write about why I want to binge and then rationalise that thought until I don't want to binge anymore. So it goes something like this; I get the urge to binge so I get my diary and write about how I'm feeling. I'm bored and I feel angry that all my friends are busy so I have…
I also like Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It's still my favourite work out DVD. If you can get to a class, Body Pump is brilliant fun and very effective. I morn the loss of a gym where Body Pump is on offer.
Thanks guys, glad to hear it's not permanent! For anyone looking after this, I've now updated my horrendous day today so if you could just pretend you didn't see that, that would be great :laugh:
Great answers! Thank you very much for your help and the article links. Certainly helped me make a decision about sweeteners - Natural honey as an occasional treat it is!
I'm just starting Paleo too and would love to have more friends.