

  • Yup... I read yesterday each individual pkg should be somewhere around 20 oz. Good Luck! I just made turkey meatloaf last night... YummmO! =)
  • I agree with you 100%! I jumped on the scale this morning and it says i've GAINED weight!!! I felt discouraged just for a minute... then I snapped out of it and told myself if I want to see results I have to keep moving! So I jumped on the treadmill and did 2 miles. Now I feel better! Can't wait to see the results of this…
  • Just bought the DVD last night from Walmart for $9!!! I tried and got 12 minutes into it and had to stop... but if you're able to do the whole workout like you're supposed to then I'm sure you'll see results! Good Luck!
  • Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii =)
  • Thanks for the request! Have a good night! Looking forward to an awesome workout tomorrow AM! =)
    in Hello! Comment by mrsandres January 2011