

  • I just started less than a month ago and only have a couple friends. You would be more than welcome to be my friend.
  • I guess the proof will be in the pudding.............i.e. we will see if her philosophy works for her! Most times people don't listen to advice and do it, they have to do it, usually several times, and then they learn. No point getting angry or disagreeing. Weight taken off and kept off will prove the point, whomever is…
  • If you can make arrangements so the "bad food" ain't available to you, it will be easier. Another suggestion make a contract with yourself that if you eat the extra calories, you must exercise them off that same day. Dieting is mostly in your head, so if you can get your head straight, it becomes easier. You've got to want…
  • So, I'm new and have no advice to give; but I would love, love, love to hear how you big losers were so successful. Please do tell!
  • No gym here. Good pair of walking shoes tied to my feet and some exercise tapes that I usually am able to find used. Keeps the price down and my personal gym is open 24/7!
  • SW: (Starting weight) 185 CW: (Current weight)184 GW: (Goal weight for the month) 180 Weigh in Dates: 4/20 185 4/22 184 End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use) Total weight lost: