

  • That equates to 2.46 pounds of lost weight per week with a deficit of 5.146 kJ per day. Slightly above the 1 - 2.2 pounds per week that dietitians recommend but you should not have any adverse medical conditions (excluding any physical injury you may receive while exercising) unless you already have some underlying medical…
  • Like many other students my age, the microwave and toaster oven are the only appliances I have used for cooking. But what I can control is my drinking so I have only drank water for the past few years - no soft drink, coffee, alcohol or any drinks in between. Eating at fast food, restaurant, buffet is also something I've…
  • I have been at this for more then 6 months now so it's not exactly new, and I did tell them at the beginning of my goal. I would buy my own food if I had disposable income, a car and enough physical space to store it.
  • You can consume chocolate by inhaling which avoids the calories.
  • I'm in college now but my diet throughout highschool was chips and pizza which gained me 40 extra pounds, bordering on overweight. Since the beginning of the semester in May I have lost the 40 pounds, now with a BMI of 20 for being 6'3" and 160lb.
  • Fortunately I don't have a sweet tooth possibly due to the way I was raised an being male. I'm also glad I don't have coffee/soda/alcohol addiction as I only drink water. But I did have a chips and pizza diet throughout highschool which is how I gained 40 pounds. I have since lost the weight after half a year and now I eat…
  • BioTrust Low Carb is the one I'm currently taking. I use it not to bulk up but to reduce my recovery time after a workout from 72 hours to 48 hours.
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  • Depending on how dedicated you are, living in an area that rains alot or just preferring to exercise in the house with your children, something like a recumbent exercise bike would not put strain on your neck or shoulder. You can get them for not too expensive second hand or rent them.
  • 20 pounds in 3 months is doable. (20 * 3500) / (3 * 30) = you need to reduce you net calorie intake 777 below your basal metabolic rate per day. So if your BMR is 2500, you will lose 20 pounds in 3 months if you balance your calories to 1700 per day.
  • I found it easier to set my net calorie goal to my basal metabolic rate. If your BMR is 2000 and your net calorie for the day is 900, you can subtract that from 2000, times 7, divide by 3500 gives you how many pounds you will lose per week if everyday is like today.
  • Haha, I would still eat peanut butter on tuna.