Teens to twenties losing 60+?

Hey! My name is Maria and I am currently 197 pounds, 5'6" and 19 years old!
My goal is to lose 60 pounds by next year. I've been counting calories strictly and adding in more healthy foods! (yes I eat junk but its always in my calorie goal)
I work at a gym and workout 3-5 days a week :)

Anyone else in a similar boat that would like to be friends with me? I need motivation guys!

I NEED my goal body! I see people like Miley Cyrus and go cray-cray, lol. And I figured friends that are active and similar to me in age/goals would help! :)


  • NyxNine
    NyxNine Posts: 67 Member
    I'm 18. With about 60+ left to lose. Pretty much the same. Just counting calories and adding in more "healthy" things, still with a lot of junk.
  • Maria_Cutie
    Maria_Cutie Posts: 136 Member
    I'm 18. With about 60+ left to lose. Pretty much the same. Just counting calories and adding in more "healthy" things, still with a lot of junk.
    Hey, whatever works :) I've noticed as long as you're in your goal, you will lose. Progress is still progress!
  • WhitneySheree88
    WhitneySheree88 Posts: 222 Member
    I am 25, 5'3 and started out at 180 pounds I am now 140 with a goal weight between 120 and 130. Feel free to add me ladies, we can help each other!
  • NyxNine
    NyxNine Posts: 67 Member
    I'm 18. With about 60+ left to lose. Pretty much the same. Just counting calories and adding in more "healthy" things, still with a lot of junk.
    Hey, whatever works :) I've noticed as long as you're in your goal, you will lose. Progress is still progress!

    Also noticed you want to do it for cosplay. Me too~ What characters have you, or will you cosplay?
  • Maria_Cutie
    Maria_Cutie Posts: 136 Member
    I'm 18. With about 60+ left to lose. Pretty much the same. Just counting calories and adding in more "healthy" things, still with a lot of junk.
    Hey, whatever works :) I've noticed as long as you're in your goal, you will lose. Progress is still progress!

    Also noticed you want to do it for cosplay. Me too~ What characters have you, or will you cosplay?

    I have cosplayed Sebastian from Black Butler, Sora From Kingdom Hearts II, Terezi from Homestuck, and I am working on my Sailor moon cosplay for an upcoming convention. I plan on cosplaying more reveling characters as soon as my gut is gone heh heh.
    like... Shura from Ao no exorcist and Angewoman from Digimon
  • I'm in college now but my diet throughout highschool was chips and pizza which gained me 40 extra pounds, bordering on overweight. Since the beginning of the semester in May I have lost the 40 pounds, now with a BMI of 20 for being 6'3" and 160lb.
  • Maria_Cutie
    Maria_Cutie Posts: 136 Member
    I'm in college now but my diet throughout highschool was chips and pizza which gained me 40 extra pounds, bordering on overweight. Since the beginning of the semester in May I have lost the 40 pounds, now with a BMI of 20 for being 6'3" and 160lb.
    Inspiring! I'll add you:)
  • jcmrax5
    jcmrax5 Posts: 133
    im 23 and have at least 72 more pounds to lose. anyone can feel free to add me!
  • Maria_Cutie
    Maria_Cutie Posts: 136 Member
    im 23 and have at least 72 more pounds to lose. anyone can feel free to add me!

    Added you love. Love your tatt too :)
  • pears734
    pears734 Posts: 496 Member

    I am 22, 5'5'' tall, and weigh 185. I am working on a short term goal to lose 25lbs, but obviously, 60 would be ideal in the long run. I log in almost every day, and try to be as supportive as possible to my group of fitnesspal friends. Please feel free to add me. I am trying to build a new support group of people who won't give up.
  • init2fitit
    init2fitit Posts: 168 Member
    I'm 22 and I have about 40lbs to lose, so... Kinda close haha.
    But I'm fairly active! I hit the gym for about an hour a day, and I maintain 18 credit hours at my University.

    Also, I once had the body to cosplay the most revealing characters and I would love to have that confidence back :)
    Feel free to add. :)
  • Hey all!

    I'm 22, 5'3" tall, and weigh 193lbs. I'm looking to lose at LEAST 40 pounds, but it would be great to lose 50 or 60. I log in every day, as it realllly helps me count my calories and exercise. I've been going to the gym about 3 times a week for about 20 minutes. But I'm hoping to slowly increase how often and how long I'm at the gym. I don't have any friends on MFP, but I would love to! Feel free to add me and I'll add back! I would love the support and I will encourage right back! :)
  • Hi! I'm Char, 20 years old, 5' 10'' and i've been overweight for most of my life. I'm trying to lose around 60 pounds or so, maybe even more. I'm pretty new to MFP, anyone can feel free to add me!
  • rhibhi
    rhibhi Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! I'm 24 and looking to lose 22kg (approximately 50 pounds, goal weight 150) but to get to my ULTIMATE goal I would like to lose 32kg (approx 70 pounds UGW 130). I currently weigh 202 pounds at 5'7.
    I don't have any friends on here so would love some support and to make some new friends who have similar goals!
  • Hey I'm Monica. I'm 23 and have always been overweight. Trying to finally make the change but need some support! Anyone feel free to add me
  • I'm 22, 5'5 and as of right now weigh 190. Ideally I would like to be between the 120-130 range but I'm working on short term goals for now. I log in everyday and try to be as supporting and encouraging as I can be to my friends, WE CAN DO THIS!
  • losttogain
    losttogain Posts: 84 Member
    26 and have 60 lbs to lose!

    Feel free to add me!
  • lonnieart
    lonnieart Posts: 24 Member
    If you're losing 60lbs, it looks like your goal weight is 135ish? Same (I'm about the same height, too). I'm not at the same starting point as you, but I must say that your goal weight seems good :D (I see a lot of people either too high (barely within healthy range) or too low (bordering underweight). I was 130-135, and it works for 5'6" very very well - well, in my experience). So your goal seems reasonable, and I'm sure you can get there!
  • I'm 24 years old and 5'6. Looks like we have around the same weight to lose. Since January I'm down over 28 pounds. Slow loss but at least keeping it off.
  • I'm 20 and happy to give you any advice or motivation.
    But just a word of warning, make sure to be aware of your body type. You look naturally curvy, so once you reach your weight goal you could end up looking like Scarlett Jo. instead of Miley Cyrus simply cause of your body's structure.
    Hate to be cliche and corny but just aim to be the best and healthiest you.