

  • I just stuck with the calorie counter on here and refused to skip a workout, no more excuses. It has only happened about a pound down a week and every now and then I work in a "cheat day", cause sometimes when everyone else is eating pizza, I don't want to feel so left out =). If I had to say what one thing made the…
  • If what you are doing works for you, why bother posting about what other people say about it? They aren't you. Why waste your time and ours?
  • I only recently stopped breastfeeding after my baby reached 1 year and only then did I really start to loose weight consistently. Everyone's body is so different, some of my friends lost all of their baby weight when they were breastfeeding with such ease, but me not so much. Even though it is very frustrating, you can…
  • "once your dressed and there it's all downhill after that" and "just do what you can even if it's only 1 rep" I always find that I end up surprising myself after that and then I get to feel all proud
  • Dang I am soooooooooo hungry now, it's like staring at a wreck on the freeway, I just can't stop myself!!!! And although the sweets definitely look amazing and I am never one to discriminate any food, I would trade it all for a big styroform container of CARNE ASADA FRIES, now I can eat those til I explode any day of the…