What Are Some Of Your Self-Motivation Phrases/Self-Talk?



  • Skinny girls look good in clothes but fit girls look good naked:-)

    Ohh this might be going on the inside of my medicine cabinet too!!
  • ajstaudt
    ajstaudt Posts: 28 Member
    TODAY I am achieving my goals. TODAY my efforts WILL produce the results I desire, but only if I give it my ALL. TODAY I will give it absolutely everything I've got, and tonight I will sleep well knowing that I am ONE STEP CLOSER.
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    I tell myself simply that if I can expend that much energy making that many excuses for not working out, I can use that energy to come up with just as many to get it done.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    You can do anything for 15 minutes. What I tell myself when I don't want to go to the gym. Then I make myself go with the proviso that if after 15 minutes I'm still not feeling it I can leave. I find most of the struggle is just getting there. I nearly always end up staying for longer. At very least I've got in a 15 minutes workout which is much better than none.

    and this Muhhamad Ali quote

    “I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion'.”
  • I work as a gymnastics coach, and one of the things I tell myself all the time is something I heard one coach tell a girl while they were doing their warmup laps. The girl was on her last lap when she started slowing down and the coach said
    "You made it this far and youre gonna quit when youre almost done? What does that say about you?"
    The girl finished strong and those words always stuck with me. So when I set a goal when working out and i think about quitting, that plays in my head and i keep going
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    joe rogan keeps me motivated...

  • ptammyw
    ptammyw Posts: 27 Member
    Dig deep
    Be Strong
    You got it!
  • CampKelly
    CampKelly Posts: 172 Member
    A one hour workout is 4% of my day....No excuses!
  • gowrirao81
    gowrirao81 Posts: 139 Member
    I subscribe to the ethos that one's body is merely a shell that houses your mind (brain/heart/soul ... whatever word you fancy). It is the only vehicle you have to experience life in it's fullest. It asks for so little in return for the world of wonder it opens for you .. so when I feel lazy or don't feel like doing something for my body I remind myself of this and decide that I will treat this body (the only one I have) kindly. My mantra is just "Be kind, take care of this body because you are the only one who can". Somehow visualising my body as a seperate entity helps me treat it better ... we are often kinder outside than within.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    It's only one day. I can do anything for one day.
    *Repeat Daily*
  • angiinkc
    angiinkc Posts: 24
    Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, and trust me, it really does feel better the thinner I get.

    I also remind myself of all the people on the summer episodes of the biggest loser. If they can do it, I can drag my butt off the couch too.

    You drive your own destiny.

    I would also recommend reading success stories or books while doing cardio. It really helps me. You can get from library. Al Roker's is very good, as was Jennifer Hudson's. there r others as well.
  • When my plate has too much food on it, either at a restuarant or as someone's guest,I say to myself: Should I waste this food or waist this food. It is then a "no brainer" for me.
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    I would also recommend reading success stories or books while doing cardio. It really helps me. You can get from library. Al Roker's is very good, as was Jennifer Hudson's. there r others as well.

    al roker had surgery to lose weight....
  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    Also, If it was easy everyone would do it!
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    1. Anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending.

    2. The finish line is just the beginning of a whole new race.

    3. The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed.
  • pushyourself14
    pushyourself14 Posts: 275 Member
    1) A bad workout is better than no workout at all.

    2) The only BAD workout is the one that didn't happen.

    3) If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you.

    4) Picture the faces of the people who don't think you will succeed or don't want you to (if you don't have anyone like this in your life you're quite fortunate in my opinion, but it seriously makes me unstoppable when I do this :D)

    5) Suffer the pain of disciple or suffer the pain of regret!

    6) Nothing worth having in life comes easily.
  • Reneeisfat
    Reneeisfat Posts: 126 Member
    I always say "I want to be thin more than I want _______."
    (ie: ice cream, pizza, watch tv,...)
  • Emisole
    Emisole Posts: 65
    Five more minutes. Five more reps. Just run until it says you've burned X calories. Just run until it's an even mile. Just do them in sets of fives. You can stop when it says X.

    I lie to myself little by little. haha.
  • w0ndrw0mn1
    w0ndrw0mn1 Posts: 6
    "once your dressed and there it's all downhill after that" and "just do what you can even if it's only 1 rep"
    I always find that I end up surprising myself after that and then I get to feel all proud
  • angelamary61
    angelamary61 Posts: 97 Member
    If I dont feel like exercising I tell myself just to do 10 minutes now.
    And guess what, once I start I never just do 10 minutes, I keep going.
    Sometimes its just the getting started.