memleyxx Member


  • This is actually amazing! I totally agree about the scale meaning NOTHING. So exciting for you!
  • That sounds so awful!!!! Definitely drinking more water. And I'm a huge advocate of dry-fit work out clothes, too. They seem to really help. Don't wear a cotton t-shirt.
  • Those numbers were from my very heaviest, two years ago. I started at 193-5 around the beginning of Lent and I'm down to 180. That's a more accurate depiction of it. Don't worry, I didn't lose 30 lbs in 4 weeks.
  • That's just what the app recommended I I should always net at 1200, regardless of the workout?
  • I work out 3-4 times a week (usually burning around 500 calories) and I use the calorie tracker on the MFP app, eating around 1200 calories a day.
  • For me, it's watching an episode of Hulu while laying in bed painting my fingernails. Or, going to the gym for an hour. Sometimes I really like to just get off campus, drive around Fort Worth and listen to music. Leaving campus really keeps me sane.