

  • Hello - Any hypermobile people still out there? I'd like to connect but the thread I found has 'been inactive for over 30 days'. I've been struggling with increasing weight particularly since I became less active following chemotherapy 6 years ago. I'm injury prone and have Hypermobility Syndrome / Fibromyalgia - so pain…
  • For those of us that don't have 'wheat intolerance' but get wind because we are ordinary humans ..... Help get rid of bloating by cutting out fizzy drinks and foods that cause wind. Sit down to eat, don't talk when chewing, don't chew gum and take regular exercise. For excess wind cut down on foods known to cause wind and…
  • For those of us that don't have 'wheat intolerance' but get wind because we are ordinary humans ..... Help get rid of bloating by cutting out fizzy drinks and foods that cause wind. Sit down to eat, don't talk when chewing, don't chew gum and take regular exercise. For excess wind cut down on foods known to cause wind and…
  • For those of us that don't have 'wheat intolerance' but get wind because we are ordinary humans ..... Help get rid of bloating by cutting out fizzy drinks and foods that cause wind. Sit down to eat, don't talk when chewing, don't chew gum and take regular exercise. For excess wind cut down on foods known to cause wind and…
  • I know I'll probably upset some people ....... Mostly quacks and charlatans and self diagnosers ............. So what! " It is not known exactly how many people in the UK have a food allergy. Population studies in the UK using conventional testing procedures suggest that between 1 and 2 people in 100 (1-2%) have a food…