katieobrizzle Member


  • Differs day to day really, depends if i bring a packed lunch or eat in college, some days I snack alot, some days I don't, I'm guessing it ranges from around 1800 -2200 not including the weekend when i can't even imagine how many calories with my weekly dominos pizza :P
  • For future reference, how would I get the calories up but still eat healthy? It's not something i'd perceive to go hand in hand haha
  • Sweet jesus! Been desperate for something like this, sugar content wont be looking too great though will it :P
  • Thankyou very much, i've found this helpful, I'm going to maintain for now, loose the few pounds and see what's underneath and focus on just getting healthier all together. Then I'm going to focus on building some slight muscle mass. P.s i've never been on a calorie deficit diet as I have a high metabolism and eating less…
  • Gosh, I am new to this so I can't be expected to know everything. And i'm not only doing pilates, I have an ab routine which I do every other day, and I use the cross trainer every other day and run 5k on a sunday, I'm not trying to spot reduce, but i'm also aware that my abs will not show with this current layer of fat so…