

  • Hi - I am 28 years old, I have a 7 year old son in 2nd grade. I work full time (roughly 11 hour days with driving time) Monday - Friday...in addition to being a mom and housewife ;). I have always put my family before me but have realized that I need to take care of myself and lead a good example to my family - I have…
  • I am so sorry that happened to you!!! Those girls probably have so many issues that they don't want/can't deal that only knocking someone else down makes them feel better. They say everything happens for a reason, and not saying that what happened was right by any means........but it brought me to tears to see how much…
  • AZRunnerGirl that is awesome you did a Zombie Run!!!! I have always wanted to do one of those! I had a birthday party for my 7 year old....how do you force yourself to log on when you are busy? I didn't log in all weekend because I kept saying "Oh I will do that in a little bit, right now I have to do this." Then I never…
  • Allendale :) About 20 minutes away from everything - the lake shore, Grand Rapids, and Muskegon
  • One thing that I had done in the past (and going to start again) that worked for me is this: 6:30am - Breakfast 10:30 am - Half my lunch (half sandwich, yogurt, etc.) 2:30pm - The other half of my lunch (half sandwich, trail mix, etc.) 6:30pm - Dinner I know it doesn't work for everyone, but it worked for me because I work…
  • I am going to aim for a morning workout tomorrow! Clothes picked out for work, sons clothes picked out, backpack packed, and have everything ready to go. Wish me luck!!!! Thank you both so much for the ideas, it really is appreciated!
  • I am 5' 7" and am currently 143 pounds - I was down to 135 and felt really good - I wish that I had tone more though than just looking at the scale. Now that I put weight back on, it looks a lot more than 5-8 pounds. That's what I am aiming to different this round, stay on track and keep measurements to keep me on track :)
  • Hi :) I am 28 years old - 5' 7" CW - 143.8 GW - 127 - 135 More Importantly - Lose about 10 - 15" all over by building lean muscle Highest Weight was 216 when I was pregnant - Highest weight not pregnant was 185. I have came down quite a bit but need to tone up and lose those last few pounds.
  • Yes, thank you SO much for doing this! I have been trying to do some videos that are on YouTube - they are called BodyRock.TV - there a lot of different ones. The workouts are usually 12 min (50 seconds on with a 10 second rest). They are intense thought and a little much, but I liked that they are short and I break a…
  • Hi! My name is Ellie, I just turned 28. I have been on MFP for some time now, however I have not been on since May this year and I can tell. I have only gained 5 pounds on the scale but the inches have crept on all over. My goal is to drop a total of 10 inches from my entire body (hoping 1" on each arm, 2" on each thigh,…